Use the Modbus TCP server

Ned is permanently running a Modbus TCP Server that enables Ned to communicate with a PLC, or another computer in the same network.

Connection - Modbus TCP server

The Modbus TCP server is running on port 5020 by default.

Description - Modbus TCP server

It has been built on top of the pymodbus library.

All 4 Modbus datastores are implemented:
  • Coil.
  • Discrete Input.
  • Holding Register.
  • Input Register.

Each datastore has a different set of functionalities. Note that each datastore contains a completely different set of data.

Address tables start at 0.


Each address contains a 1bit value.

READ/WRITE (the stored values correspond to the last given command, not the current robot state).

Accepted Modbus functions:
  • 0x01: READ_COILS

This datastore can be used to set Digital I/O mode and state.

Digital I/O numbers used for Modbus:
  • 0/100: 1A
  • 1/101: 1B
  • 2/102: 1C
  • 3/103: 2A
  • 4/104: 2B
  • 5/105: 2C
Address Description
0-5 Digital I/O mode (Input = 1, Output = 0)
100-105 Digital I/O state (High = 1, Low = 0)
200-299 Can be used to store your own variables

Discrete input

Each address contains a 1bit value.


Accepted Modbus functions:
Digital I/O numbers used for Modbus:
  • 0/100: 1A
  • 1/101: 1B
  • 2/102: 1C
  • 3/103: 2A
  • 4/104: 2B
  • 5/105: 2C
Address Description
0-5 Digital I/O mode (Input = 1, Output = 0)
100-105 Digital I/O state (High = 1, Low = 0)

This datastore can be used to read Digital I/O mode and state of the robot. See Coil above for digital I/O number mapping.

Holding register

Each address contains a 16bits value.

READ/WRITE (the stored values correspond to the last given command, not the current robot state)

Accepted Modbus functions:
Address Description
0-5 Joints (mrad)
10-12 Position x,y,z (mm)
13-15 Orientation roll, pitch, yaw (mrad)
100 Send Joint Move command with stored joints
101 Send Pose Move command with stored position and orientation
110 Stop current command execution
150 Is executing command flag
151 Last command result (status of the last command)
152 Contains data retrieved from last cmd (depends of the cmd)
200-299 Can be used to store your own variables
300 Learning Mode (On = 1, Off = 0)
301 Joystick Enabled (On = 1, Off = 0)
310 Request new calibration
311 Start auto calibration
312 Start manual calibration
401 Gripper open speed (100-1000)
402 Gripper close speed (100-1000)
500 Select tool from given id
510 Open gripper with given id
511 Close gripper with given id
512 Pull air vacuum pump from given id
513 Push air vacuum pump from given id
520 Enable a Conveyor Belt newly connected [on success: store it’s ID at 152]
521 Detach / disable Conveyor Belt with the Conveyor Belt ID given at 525
522 Control Conveyor Belt with the Conveyor Belt ID given at 525
523 [related to 522] Conveyor Belt direction (backward = -1 , forward = 1)
524 [related to 522] Conveyor Belt speed (0-100)(%)
525 [related to 520/521/522/526] Store the Conveyor Belt ID for all related command
526 Stop Conveyor Belt with the Conveyor Belt ID given at 525

Input Register

Each address contains a 16bits value.


Accepted Modbus functions:
Address Description
0-5 Joints (mrad)
10-12 Position x,y,z (mm)
13-15 Orientation roll, pitch, yaw (mrad)
200 Selected tool ID (0 for no tool)
300 Learning Mode activated
400 Motors connection up (Ok = 1, Not ok = 0)
401 Calibration needed flag
402 Calibration in progress flag
403 Raspberry Pi temperature
404 Raspberry Pi available disk size
405 Raspberry Pi ROS log size
406 RPI software version n.1
407 RPI software version n.2
408 RPI software version n.3
409 Hardware version (1 or 2)
530 Conveyor 1 connection state (Connected = 1 , Not connected = 0)
531 Conveyor 1 control status ( On = 0, Off = 1)
532 Conveyor 1 Speed (0-100 (%))
533 Conveyor 1 direction (Backward = -1, Forward = 1)
540 Conveyor 2 connection state (Connected = 1 , Not connected = 0)
541 Conveyor 2 control status ( On = 0, Off = 1)
542 Conveyor 2 Speed (0-100 (%))
543 Conveyor 2 direction (Backward = -1, Forward = 1)

Dependencies - Modbus TCP Server