Ned ROS documentation

This documentation contains everything you need to understand Ned’s functioning & how to control it through ROS.
It is made as well for users who are using the “physic” robot as those who want to use a virtual version.
ROS Logo Ned


Before diving into the software documentation, you can learn more about the robot development in the Overwiew section.

Also, if you want to use a simulated version of Ned , browse the Simulation section.

Ned Control via ROS

Ned is fully based on ROS.

ROS Direct control


To control the robot directly with ROS, you will need either to be connected in SSH to the physic robot, or to use the simulation.

ROS is the more direct way to control the robot. It allows:

  • to send command via the terminal in order to call services, trigger action, …
  • to write a entire Python/C++ node in a script to realize a full process.

See ROS section to see all Topic & Services available.

Python ROS Wrapper


To use Python ROS Wrapper, you will need either to be connected in SSH to the physic robot, or to use the simulation.

The Python ROS Wrapper is build on top of ROS to allow faster development than ROS. Programs are run directly on the robot which allows to trigger them with the robot’s button once a computer is no longer needed.

See Python ROS Wrapper to see which functions are accessible and examples on how to use them.

More ways

Other methods are available to control the robot allowing the user to code and run programs outside his terminal.

Learn more on this section.