Joints Interface

This package handles packages related to the robot’s joints controller.
It provides an interface to ros_control.

Joints interface node

It is instantiated in Niryo Robot Hardware Interface package.

It has been conceived to:
  • Interface robot’s motors to joint trajectory controller, from ros_control package.
  • Create a controller manager, from controller_manager package, that provides the infrastructure to load, unload, start and stop controllers.
  • Interface with motors calibration.
  • Initialize motors parameters.

It belongs to the ROS namespace: /joints_interface/.


Joints Interface’s default Parameters

default.yaml file
Name Description Default value Unit
Controls loop frequency.
100 Hz

Joints Interface’s hardware specific Parameters

These parameters are specific to the hardware version (Ned, Niryo One or Ned2). This file comes in a different version for each hardware version. They are located in a directory of the hardware version name.

joints_params.yaml file
Name Description Supported Hardware versions
Joint N (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) id
Default: -1 (invalid id)
All versions
Joint N (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) motor type among: “stepper”, “xl320”, “xl430”, “fakeStepper” or “fakeDxl”
Default: “”
All versions
Joint N (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) bus (“ttl” or “can”)
Default: “”
All versions
calibration_params.yaml file
Name Description Default value Unit Supported Hardware versions
Waiting time between 2 commands during the calibration process.
30 seconds All versions
File path where is saved motors calibration value.
N.A. All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) id
-1 (invalid id) N.A. All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) starting velocity for the acceleration profile
1 0.01 RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) first acceleration for the acceleration profile
0 RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) first velocity for the acceleration profile
0 0.01 RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max acceleration for the acceleration profile
6000 RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max velocity for the acceleration profile
6 0.01 RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max deceleration for the acceleration profile
6000 RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) last deceleration for the acceleration profile
0 RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) stop velocity for the acceleration profile
2 0.01 RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) stall threshold for which we detect
the end of the joint course for the calibration process
0 N.A. Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) direction for the calibration
(1 = same as motor direction, -1 = against motor direction)
1 N.A. All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) delay
0 milliseconds All versions
dynamixels_params.yaml file
Name Description Unit Supported Hardware versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) offset position for the zero position
Default: ‘0.0’
Rad All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) home position
Default: ‘0.0’
Rad All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) direction (1 = ClockWise, -1 = Counter ClockWise)
Default: ‘1’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) maximal position allowed
Default: ‘0.0’
Rad All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) minimal position allowed
Default: ‘0.0’
Rad All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Proportional gain of the position PID controller
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Integral gain of the position PID controller
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Derivative gain of the position PID controller
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Proportional gain of the velocity PID controller
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Integral gain of the velocity PID controller
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Feed Forward velocity Gain
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) Feed Forward acceleration Gain
Default: ‘0.0’
N.A. All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) acceleration profile parameter [*]
Default: ‘0.0’
RPM² All versions
Dynamixel N (1, 2 or 3) velocity profile parameter
Default: ‘0.0’
RPM All versions
[*]refers to the dedicated motor reference documentation.
steppers_params.yaml file
Name Description Unit Supported Hardware versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) id
Default: -1 (invalid id)
N.A. All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) gear ratio
Default: 1
N.A. Ned and One only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max effort
Default: 0
N.A. Ned and One only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) motor ratio for conversion into radian
Default: 1
N.A. Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) offset position to position limit min
Default: 0
Rad All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) Home position of the motor
Default: 0
Rad All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) position limit min of the motor
Default: 0
Rad All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) position limit max of the motor
Default: 0
Rad All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) assembly direction of the motor (1 = CW, -1 = CCW)
Default: 1
N.A. All versions
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) starting velocity for the acceleration profile
Default: 1
RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) first acceleration for the acceleration profile
Default: 0
RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) first velocity for the acceleration profile
Default: 0
RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max acceleration for the acceleration profile
Default: 6000
RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max velocity for the acceleration profile
Default: 6
RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) max deceleration for the acceleration profile
Default: 6000
RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) last deceleration for the acceleration profile
Default: 0
RPM² Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) stop velocity for the acceleration profile
Default: 2
RPM Ned 2 only
Stepper N (1, 2 or 3) stall threshold for which we detect the end of the joint course
N.A. Ned 2 only

The velocity profiles for the Stepper motors (in calibration_params.yaml and steppers_params.yaml files) can be defined for TTL bus only (thus for Ned2 only). They are defined according to the following graph:

TTL steppers velocity profiles

Services, Topics and Messages

Subscribed topics

Joints Interface’s Published Topics
Name Message Type Description
niryo_robot_follow_joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/result :control_actions:`control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectory Action<FollowJointTrajectory>` Trajectory results from controller

Published topics

Joints Interface’s Published Topics
Name Message Type Description
/niryo_robot/learning_mode/state std_msgs/Bool Learning mode state


Joints Interface Package Services
Name Message Type Description
/niryo_robot/joints_interface/calibrate_motors SetInt Starts motors calibration - value can be 1 for auto calibration, 2 for manual
/niryo_robot/joints_interface/request_new_calibration Trigger Resets motor calibration state to “uncalibrated”. This will allow the user to ask a new calibration.
niryo_robot/learning_mode/activate Trigger Changes learning mode (Free Motion) state. When learning mode is activated, torques are disabled and the joints can move freely.
niryo_robot/joints_interface/steppers_reset_controller Trigger Resets the controller

Errors and warning messages

List of Errors and warning messages
Type Message Description
Error JointHardwareInterface::init - Fail to add joint, return : The joint is not correctly initialized
Error JointHardwareInterface::init - stepper state init failed The stepper state parameters are not correctly retrieved
Error JointHardwareInterface::init - dxl state init failed The dynamixel state parameters are not correctly retrieved
Error JointHardwareInterface::init - Dynamixel motors are not available on CAN Bus The robot wrongly tries to initialize a dynamixel motor for the CAN bus (works only on TTL)
Error JointHardwareInterface::init - Fail to reboot motor id The motor failed to reboot. Try rebooting it again
WARNING JointHardwareInterface::init - initialize stepper joint failure, return %d. Retrying Failed to initialize a stepper. Will try again up to 3 times
WARNING JointHardwareInterface::init - add stepper joint failure, return %d. Retrying Failed to add a stepper joint. Will try again up to 3 times
WARNING JointHardwareInterface::init - init dxl joint failure, return : %d. Retrying Failed to initialize a dynamixel joint. Will try again up to 3 times
WARNING JointHardwareInterface::init - add dxl joint failure, return : %d. Retrying Failed to add a dynamixel joint. Will try again up to 3 times