CAN Debug Tools

This package offers scripts to debug with Hardware and setup CAN devices. It provides some main functions like setting up the CAN bus and dumping data on bus.

Niryo robot - CAN debug tools

It provides service to dump data on CAN bus. This script can be launched via:

rosrun can_debug_tools can_debug_tools

Parameters - CAN debug tools

  • –help / -h: Prints help message
  • –baudrate / -b [Baudrate]: Baudrates (1000000 by default)
  • –channel / -c [Channel]: Sets channel SPI (0 by default)
  • –gpio / -g: GPIO Interrupts for CAN (25 by default)
  • –freq / -f: frequency of control loop to check data (100Hz by default)
  • –dump: runs dump service to dump and shows all data found on bus
When you dump data on CAN bus, the result is a table including:
  • Number of data’s package
  • Status of package
  • Control byte
  • Data in 8 bytes