
This package is the one dealing with all vision related stuff.

Vision Node

The ROS Node is made of several services to deal with video streaming, object detection… The node is working exactly the same way if you chose to use it on simulation or reality.

This node can be launched locally in a standalone mode via the command:

roslaunch niryo_robot_vision vision_node_local.launch

Configuration (Frame Per Second, Camera Port, Video Resolution) can be edited in the config file:

  • For “standard” Node: niryo_robot_vision/config/video_server_setup.yaml
  • For local Node: niryo_robot_vision/config/video_server_setup_local.yaml

It belongs to the ROS namespace: /niryo_robot_vision/.

Parameters - Vision

Vision Package’s Parameters
Name Description
frame_rate Streams frame rate
Sets to true if you are using the gazebo simulation.
It will adapt how the node get its video stream
debug_compression_quality Debugs Stream compression quality
stream_compression_quality Streams compression quality
subsampling Streams subsampling factor

Publisher - Vision

Vision Package’s Publishers
Name Message Type Description
compressed_video_stream sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Publishes the last image read as a compressed image
video_stream_parameters ImageParameters Publishes the brightness, contrast and saturation settings of the video stream

Services - Vision

Programs manager Services
Name Message Type Description
debug_colors DebugColorDetection Returns an annotated image to emphasize what happened with color detection
debug_markers DebugMarkers Returns an annotated image to emphasize what happened with markers detection
obj_detection_rel ObjDetection Object detection service
start_stop_video_streaming SetBool Starts or stops video streaming
take_picture TakePicture Saves a picture in the specified folder
set_brightness SetImageParameter Sets the brightness of the video stream
set_contrast SetImageParameter Sets the contrast of the video stream
set_saturation SetImageParameter Sets the saturation of the video stream
visualization Visualization Add visuals markers of objects detected by the vision kit to rviz

All these services are available as soon as the node is started.

Dependencies - Vision

Topics files - Vision

ImageParameters (Topic)

float64 brightness_factor
float64 contrast_factor
float64 saturation_factor

Services files - Vision

DebugColorDetection (Service)

string color
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage img

DebugMarkers (Service)

bool markers_detected
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage img

ObjDetection (Service)

string obj_type
string obj_color
float32 workspace_ratio
bool ret_image
int32 status

niryo_robot_msgs/ObjectPose obj_pose

string obj_type
string obj_color

sensor_msgs/CompressedImage img

TakePicture (Service)

string path
bool success

SetImageParameter (Service)

float64 factor
int32 status
string message

Visualization (Service)

string workspace
bool clearing
int32 status