
This package deals with the sound of the robot.

Sound Node

The ROS Node is made of services to play, stop, import and delete a sound on the robot. It is also possible to set the volume of the robot.

It belongs to the ROS namespace: /niryo_robot_sound/.

Parameters - Sound

Here is a list of the different parameters that allow you to adjust the default settings of the robot and the system sounds.

Parameters of the volume Sound component
Name Description Default value
default_volume Default volume on the real robot 100
default_volume_simulation Default volume in simulation 10
min_volume Minimum volume of the robot 0
max_volume Maximum volume of the robot 200
volume_file_path File where the volume of the real robot set by the user is stored “~/niryo_robot_saved_files/robot_sound_volume.txt”
volume_file_path_simulation File where the volume in simulation set by the user is stored “~/.niryo/simulation/robot_sound_volume.txt”
Parameters of the Sound component
Name Description Default value
path_user_sound Default volume on the real robot “~/niryo_robot_saved_files/niryo_robot_user_sounds”
path_user_sound_simulation Default volume in simulation “~/.niryo/simulation/niryo_robot_user_sounds”
path_robot_sound Minimum volume of the robot “niryo_robot_state_sounds”
robot_sounds/error_sound Sound played when an error occurs error.wav
robot_sounds/turn_on_sound Sound played at the start-up of the robot booting.wav
robot_sounds/turn_off_sound Sound played at shutdown stop.wav
robot_sounds/connection_sound Sound played an Niryo Studio connection connected.wav
robot_sounds/robot_ready_sound Sound played when the robot is ready ready.wav
robot_sounds/calibration_sound Sound played at start of calibration calibration.wav
State sounds
State Description Sound
Booting Sound played while booting
Ready Sound played when the robot is ready after booting
Calibration Sound played at start of calibration
Connected Notify of a connection to Niryo Studio
Reboot Sound played at start of a motor reboot
Warn Sound played when a warning occurs
Error Sound played when a robot/motor/raspberry/program/overheating error occurs
Shutdown Sound played at shutdown

Publisher - Sound

Sound Package’s Publishers
Name Message Type Description
/niryo_robot_sound/sound std_msgs/String Publisesh the sound being played
/niryo_robot_sound/volume std_msgs/UInt8 Publishes the volume of the robot
/niryo_robot_sound/sound_database SoundList Publishes the sounds (and their duration) on the robot

Services - Sound

Sound Services
Name Message Type Description
/niryo_robot_sound/play PlaySound Plays a sound from the robot database
/niryo_robot_sound/stop Trigger Stops the sound being played
/niryo_robot_sound/set_volume SetInt Sets the volume percentage between 0 and 200%
/niryo_robot_sound/text_to_speech TextToSpeech Pronouncses a sentence via GTTS
/niryo_robot_sound/manage ManageSound Stops a sound being played

Subscribers - Sound

Sound Package subscribers
Topic name Message type Description
/niryo_robot_status/robot_status RobotStatus Retrieves the current robot status, and controls the sound accordingly (see Niryo_robot_status section)
/niryo_studio_connection std_msgs/Empty Catches Niryo Studio’s connection to make a sound.

Services & Messages files - Sound

SoundList (Message)

niryo_robot_sound/SoundObject[] sounds

SoundObject (Message)

string name
float64 duration

ManageSound (Service)

string sound_name

int8 ADD = 1
int8 DELETE = 2
int8 action

# Data to add a new sound
string sound_data

int32 status
string message

PlaySound (Service)

string sound_name

float64 start_time_sec
float64 end_time_sec  #if 0 or if end_time_sec>sound_duration the entire sound will be played

bool wait_end

int32 status
string message

TextToSpeech (Service)

string text # < 100 char

int8 ENGLISH = 0
int8 FRENCH = 1
int8 SPANISH = 3
int8 MANDARIN = 4

int8 language
bool success
string message

Sound API functions

In order to control the robot more easily than calling each topics & services one by one, a Python ROS Wrapper has been built on top of ROS.

For instance, a script playing sound via Python ROS Wrapper will look like:

from niryo_robot_led_ring.api import SoundRosWrapper

sound = SoundRosWrapper()[0])
This class allows you to control the sound of the robot via the internal API.

List of functions subsections:

Play sound

class SoundRosWrapper(hardware_version='ned2', service_timeout=1)[source]
play(sound_name, wait_end=True, start_time_sec=0, end_time_sec=0)[source]

Play a sound from the robot If failed, raise NiryoRosWrapperException

  • sound_name (str) – Name of the sound to play
  • start_time_sec (float) – start the sound from this value in seconds
  • end_time_sec (float) – end the sound at this value in seconds
  • wait_end (bool) – wait for the end of the sound before exiting the function

status, message

Return type:

(int, str)


Set the volume percentage of the robot. If failed, raise NiryoRosWrapperException

Parameters:sound_volume (int) – volume percentage of the sound (0: no sound, 100: max sound)
Returns:status, message
Return type:(int, str)

Stop a sound being played. If failed, raise NiryoRosWrapperException

Returns:status, message
Return type:(int, str)
say(text, language=0)[source]

Use gtts (Google Text To Speech) to interpret a string as sound Languages available are: - English: 0 - French: 1 - Spanish: 2 - Mandarin: 3 - Portuguese: 4

  • text (string) – text to speek < 100 char
  • language (int) – language of the text

status, message

Return type:

(int, str)

Sound database

class SoundRosWrapper(hardware_version='ned2', service_timeout=1)[source]

Get sound name list

Returns:list of the sounds of the robot
Return type:list[string]

Delete a sound on the RaspberryPi of the robot. If failed, raise NiryoRosWrapperException

Parameters:sound_name (str) – name of the sound which needs to be deleted
Returns:status, message
Return type:(int, str)
import_sound(sound_name, sound_data)[source]

Delete a sound on the RaspberryPi of the robot. If failed, raise NiryoRosWrapperException

  • sound_name (str) – name of the sound which needs to be deleted
  • sound_data (str) – String containing the encoded data of the sound file (wav or mp3)

status, message

Return type:

(int, str)


Returns the duration in seconds of a sound stored in the robot database raise SoundRosWrapperException if the sound doesn’t exists

Parameters:sound_name (str) – name of sound
Returns:sound duration in seconds
Return type:float