Niryo Robot Hardware Interface ======================================= | This package handles packages related to the robot's hardware. | It launches hardware interface nodes, motors communication and driver. .. figure:: ../../../images/stack/low_level/hardware_stack_nodes.png :alt: Hardware Stack Nodes :height: 300px :align: center Global overview of hardware stack packages organization. Hardware interface Node -------------------------- This node has been conceived to instantiate all the interfaces we need to have a fully functional robot. Among those interfaces we have: - Conveyor Interface - Joints Interface - Tools Interface - Cpu Interface - End Effector Interface (Ned2 only) - Can Driver (Ned and One Only) - Ttl Driver It belongs to the ROS namespace: |namespace_emphasize|. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Hardware Interface's Parameters :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Description * - ``publish_hw_status_frequency`` - | Publishes rate for hardware status. | Default : '2.0' * - ``publish_software_version_frequency`` - | Publishes rate for software status. | Default : '2.0' Dependencies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - :doc:`tools_interface` - :doc:`joints_interface` - :doc:`conveyor_interface` - :doc:`cpu_interface` - :doc:`../high_level/niryo_robot_msgs` Services, Topics and Messages ------------------------------------------------- Published topics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Hardware Interface's Published Topics :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``hardware_status`` - :ref:`niryo_robot_msgs/HardwareStatus` - Motors, bus, joints and CPU status * - ``software_version`` - :ref:`niryo_robot_msgs/SoftwareVersion` - Software version of the Raspberry PI and every hardware components (motors, end effector, conveyors and tools) Services ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Hardware Interface Package Services :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``launch_motors_report`` - :ref:`source/stack/high_level/niryo_robot_msgs:Trigger` - Starts motors report * - ``reboot_motors`` - :ref:`source/stack/high_level/niryo_robot_msgs:Trigger` - Reboots motors * - ``stop_motors_report`` - :ref:`source/stack/high_level/niryo_robot_msgs:Trigger` - Stops motors report .. |namespace_cpp| replace:: niryo_robot_hardware_interface .. |namespace| replace:: /niryo_robot_hardware_interface/ .. |namespace_emphasize| replace:: ``/niryo_robot_hardware_interface/`` .. |package_path| replace:: ../../../../niryo_robot_hardware_stack/niryo_robot_hardware_interface