Niryo_robot_rpi ======================================== This package deals with Raspberry Pi related stuff (Button, fans, I/O, leds, ...). Raspberry Pi Node -------------------------- The ROS Node manages the following components: - Physical top button: executes actions when the button is pressed. - Digital I/O panel: gets commands and sends the current state of digital I/Os. Also controls tools like the Electromagnet. - Analog I/O panel: gets commands and sends the current state of analog I/Os. - End Effector I/O panel: gets commands and sends the current state of the digital I/Os of the end effector panel on Ned2. Also controls tools like the Electromagnet. - Robot fans. - Led: sets the LED color. - Shutdown Manager: shutdown or reboot the Raspberry. - ROS log: can remove all previous logs on start_up to prevent a lack of disk space in the long run (SD cards do not have infinite storage). It belongs to the ROS namespace: |namespace_emphasize|. **Note that this package should not be used when you are using Ned ROS stack on your computer in simulation mode. Executes actions when the button is pressed.** Publisher - Raspberry Pi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: RPI Package's Publishers :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``pause_state`` - :ref:`PausePlanExecution` - Publishes the current execution state launched when button is pressed * - ``/niryo_robot/blockly/save_current_point`` - :std_msgs:`std_msgs/Int32` - Publishes current point when user is in Blockly page to save block by pressing button * - ``/niryo_robot/rpi/is_button_pressed`` - :std_msgs:`std_msgs/Bool` - Publishes the button state (true if pressed) * - ``digital_io_state`` - :ref:`DigitalIOState` - Publishes the digital I/Os state by giving for each it's pin / name / mode / state * - ``analog_io_state`` - :ref:`AnalogIOState` - Publishes the analog I/Os state by giving for each it's pin / name / mode / state * - ``/niryo_robot/rpi/led_state`` - :std_msgs:`std_msgs/Int8` - Publishes the current LED color * - ``ros_log_status`` - :ref:`LogStatus` - Publishes the current log status (log size / available disk / boolean if should delete ros log on startup) Services - Raspberry Pi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: RPI Services :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``shutdown_rpi`` - :ref:`SetInt` - Shutdowns the Raspberry Pi * - ``/niryo_robot/rpi/change_button_mode`` - :ref:`SetInt` - Changes top button mode (autorun program, blockly, nothing, ...) * - ``get_analog_io`` - :ref:`GetAnalogIO` - Gets analog IO state list * - ``get_digital_io`` - :ref:`GetDigitalIO` - Gets digital IO state list * - ``set_analog_io`` - :ref:`SetAnalogIO` - Sets an analog IO to the given value * - ``set_digital_io`` - :ref:`SetDigitalIO` - Sets a digital IO to the given value * - ``set_digital_io_mode`` - :ref:`SetDigitalIO` - Sets a digital IO to the given mode * - ``set_led_state`` - :ref:`std_msgs/SetInt` - Sets LED state * - ``set_led_custom_blinker`` - :ref:`LedBlinker` - Sets the LED in blink mode with the color given * - ``purge_ros_logs`` - :ref:`SetInt` - Purges ROS log * - ``set_purge_ros_log_on_startup`` - :ref:`SetInt` - Modifies the permanent settings that tell if the robot should purge its ROS log at each boot Dependencies - Raspberry Pi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - :msgs_index:`std_msgs` - :msgs_index:`actionlib_msgs` - :msgs_index:`sensor_msgs` - :doc:`niryo_robot_msgs` - :doc:`niryo_robot_arm_commander` - `Adafruit-GPIO==1.0.3 `_ - `Adafruit-PureIO==1.0.1 `_ - `Adafruit-BBIO==1.0.9 `_ - `Adafruit-ADS1x15==1.0.2 `_ - `board==1.0 `_ - `smbus==1.1.post2 `_ - `smbus2==0.4.1 `_ - `spidev==3.5 `_ Services files - Raspberry Pi ---------------------------------------------- ChangeMotorConfig (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/ChangeMotorConfig.srv :language: rostype GetAnalogIO (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/GetAnalogIO.srv :language: rostype GetDigitalIO (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/GetDigitalIO.srv :language: rostype LedBlinker (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/LedBlinker.srv :language: rostype SetDigitalIO (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/SetDigitalIO.srv :language: rostype SetAnalogIO (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/SetAnalogIO.srv :language: rostype SetIOMode (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/SetIOMode.srv :language: rostype SetPullup (Service) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/srv/SetPullup.srv :language: rostype Messages files - Raspberry Pi ---------------------------------------------- AnalogIO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/msg/AnalogIO.msg :language: rostype AnalogIOState (Topic) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/msg/AnalogIOState.msg :language: rostype DigitalIO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/msg/DigitalIO.msg :language: rostype DigitalIOState (Topic) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/msg/DigitalIOState.msg :language: rostype LogStatus (Topic) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../niryo_robot_rpi/msg/LogStatus.msg :language: rostype .. |namespace| replace:: /niryo_robot_rpi/ .. |namespace_emphasize| replace:: ``/niryo_robot_rpi/``