January 2022 release - Niryo One & Ned compatibility - Hardware Stack refinement =========================================================================================================== Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------- Ubuntu packages *********************************************************** * sqlite3 * ffmpeg * build-essential * catkin * python-catkin-pkg * python-pymodbus * python-rosdistro * python-rospkg * python-rosdep-modules * python-rosinstall python-rosinstall-generator * python-wstool * ros-melodic-moveit * ros-melodic-control * ros-melodic-controllers * ros-melodic-tf2-web-republisher * ros-melodic-rosbridge-server * ros-melodic-joint-state-publisher-gui Python libraries *********************************************************** See *src/requirements_ned2.txt* file Packages ----------------------------------------------------------- New packages *********************************************************** * niryo_robot_database * niryo_robot_led_ring * niryo_robot_metrics * niryo_robot_reports * niryo_robot_sound * niryo_robot_status * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/can_debug_tools * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/common * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/end_effector_interface * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/serial Renamed packages *********************************************************** * niryo_ned_moveit_config_standalone becomes niryo_moveit_config_standalone * niryo_ned_moveit_config_w_gripper1 becomes niryo_moveit_config_w_gripper1 * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/stepper_driver becomes niryo_robot_hardware_stack/can_driver * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/dynamixel_driver becomes niryo_robot_hardware_stack/ttl_driver * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/niryo_robot_debug becomes niryo_robot_hardware_stack/ttl_debug_tools Removed packages *********************************************************** * niryo_robot_serial_number * niryo_robot_unit_tests * niryo_robot_hardware_stack/fake_interface Cleaning and Refactoring *********************************************************** * roslint compliant * catkin lint compliant for most part * add xsd validation for launch files and package.xml files * updated packages format to version 3 * updated c++ version to c++14 * clang and clazy compliance improvement * rosdoc_lite set up in all packages * catkin_tools compliant * install space working * sphinx_doc restructuration * add hardware_version discrimination between ned, one and ned2 * add ned2 configuration files in all packages * niryo_robot_arm_commmander refactoring * niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper refactoring Features (for Ned and One only) ----------------------------------------------------------- * add VERSION file at root * add CHANGELOG.rst in every package (using catkin_generate_changelog tool) * update PID values for Dynamixels * Replace fake interface by mock drivers for steppers and Dynamixels * Add compatibility for TTL conveyor belts (upcoming) * Add Ned2 features (upcoming) * niryo_robot_bringup refactoring * improve control loops for ttl_driver and joints interface Know issues (for Ned and One only) ----------------------------------------------------------- Can't scan 2 conveyors at the same time. Please scan the conveyors one by one. Limitations ----------------------------------------------------------- * Calibration deactivated on Simulated Ned and One * Not officially supporting Ned2 hardware version * Hotspot mode is always on by default on reboot for the Niryo One Niryo Studio ----------------------------------------------------------- New features *********************************************************** - Network settings (DHCP / Static IP) - Hardware detection One / Ned / Ned2 - Display TCP Speed - Blockly - Dynamic blocks (Saved pose, workspace) Bugs fix *********************************************************** - Blockly - Conversion RAD / DEG in block September release - New features batch =========================================================== Features ----------------------------------------------------------- Tool commander package *********************************************************** - TCP service settings TCP.msg SetTCP.srv Arm commander package *********************************************************** - New movements available in ArmMoveCommand.msg linear pose shift linear pose trajectory Python ROS Wrapper package **************************** - New movement functions available move linear pose linear pose jog pose shift jog joints shift shift linear pose execute trajectory from pose - New TCP functions available set_tcp enable_tcp reset_tcp - New camera settings functions available set_brightness set_contrast set_saturation Improvements --------------------------- - Refactoring Tool Commander and Robot Commander packages. Remove Robot Commander package Reorder Robot Commander package between Tool Commander and Arm Commander packages. - Self collision detection Add self-collision detection via MoveIt. - Collision detection Collision detection improvement on each joints. Learning mode activation in case of a collision.