Source code for niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.ros_wrapper

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Lib
import rospy

from niryo_robot_utils import NiryoRosWrapperException, NiryoActionClient, NiryoTopicValue, AbstractNiryoRosWrapper

# Command Status
from niryo_robot_msgs.msg import CommandStatus, SoftwareVersion

# Messages
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion
from std_msgs.msg import Bool, Int32, String
from sensor_msgs.msg import CameraInfo, CompressedImage, JointState
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint, JointTrajectory

from conveyor_interface.msg import ConveyorFeedbackArray
from niryo_robot_msgs.msg import HardwareStatus, RobotState, RPY
from niryo_robot_rpi.msg import DigitalIO, DigitalIOState, AnalogIO, AnalogIOState
from niryo_robot_status.msg import RobotStatus

# Services
from niryo_robot_msgs.srv import GetNameDescriptionList, SetBool, SetInt, Trigger, Ping, SetFloat

# Actions
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction, FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from niryo_robot_arm_commander.msg import ArmMoveCommand, RobotMoveGoal, RobotMoveAction

# Enums
from niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.ros_wrapper_enums import *

from niryo_robot_tools_commander.api import ToolsRosWrapper, ToolID

[docs]class NiryoRosWrapper(AbstractNiryoRosWrapper): def __init__(self): super(NiryoRosWrapper, self).__init__() # - Getting ROS parameters self.__service_timeout = rospy.get_param("/niryo_robot/python_ros_wrapper/service_timeout") self.__simulation_mode = rospy.get_param("/niryo_robot/simulation_mode") self.__hardware_version = rospy.get_param("/niryo_robot/hardware_version") if self.__hardware_version in ['ned', 'ned2']: self.__node_name = rospy.get_name() self.__ping_ros_wrapper_srv = rospy.Service("~/ping", Trigger, self.__ping_ros_wrapper_callback) rospy.wait_for_service("/niryo_robot_status/ping_ros_wrapper", timeout=5) self.__advertise_ros_wrapper_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/niryo_robot_status/ping_ros_wrapper", Ping) self.__advertise_ros_wrapper_srv(self.__node_name, True) rospy.on_shutdown(self.__advertise_stop) # - Publishers # Highlight publisher (to highlight blocks in Blockly interface) self.__highlight_block_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/niryo_robot_blockly/highlight_block', String, queue_size=10) # Break point publisher (for break point blocks in Blockly interface) self.__break_point_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/niryo_robot_blockly/break_point', Int32, queue_size=10) # -- Subscribers # - Pose self.__joints_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/joint_states', JointState) self.__pose_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot/robot_state', RobotState) # - Hardware self.__learning_mode_on_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot/learning_mode/state', Bool) self.__hw_status_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot_hardware_interface/hardware_status', HardwareStatus) self.__digital_io_state_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot_rpi/digital_io_state', DigitalIOState) self.__analog_io_state_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot_rpi/analog_io_state', AnalogIOState) self.__max_velocity_scaling_factor_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot/max_velocity_scaling_factor', Int32) # - Vision self.__compressed_image_message_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot_vision/compressed_video_stream', CompressedImage, queue_size=1) self.__camera_intrinsics_message_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot_vision/camera_intrinsics', CameraInfo, queue_size=1) # - Conveyor self.__conveyors_feedback_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot/conveyor/feedback', ConveyorFeedbackArray) # Software self.__software_version_ntv = NiryoTopicValue('/niryo_robot_hardware_interface/software_version', SoftwareVersion, queue_size=1) # - Action server # Robot action self.__robot_action_nac = NiryoActionClient('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/robot_action', RobotMoveAction, RobotMoveGoal) self.__follow_joint_traj_nac = NiryoActionClient( rospy.get_param("/niryo_robot_arm_commander/joint_controller_name") + "/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction, FollowJointTrajectoryGoal) self.__tools = ToolsRosWrapper(self.__service_timeout) # database from niryo_robot_database.api import DatabaseRosWrapper self.__database = DatabaseRosWrapper(self.__service_timeout) # system_api_client from niryo_robot_system_api_client.api import SystemApiClientRosWrapper self.__system_api_client = SystemApiClientRosWrapper(self.__service_timeout) from niryo_robot_status.api import RobotStatusRosWrapper self.__robot_status = RobotStatusRosWrapper(self.__service_timeout) if self.__hardware_version == 'ned2': from niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.custom_button_ros_wrapper import CustomButtonRosWrapper from niryo_robot_led_ring.api import LedRingRosWrapper from niryo_robot_sound.api import SoundRosWrapper # Led Ring self.__led_ring = LedRingRosWrapper(self.__hardware_version, self.__service_timeout) # Sound self.__sound = SoundRosWrapper(self.__hardware_version, self.__service_timeout) # - Custom button self.__custom_button = CustomButtonRosWrapper(self.__hardware_version) else: self.__led_ring = self.__sound = self.__custom_button = None rospy.loginfo("Python ROS Wrapper ready") def __advertise_stop(self): if self.__hardware_version in ['ned', 'ned2']: try: self.__advertise_ros_wrapper_srv(self.__node_name, False) except [rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException]: pass def __ping_ros_wrapper_callback(self): return CommandStatus.SUCCESS, self.__node_name @classmethod def wait_for_nodes_initialization(cls, simulation_mode=False): params_checked = [ '/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/initialized', '/niryo_robot_arm_commander/initialized', ] while not all([rospy.has_param(param) for param in params_checked]): rospy.sleep(0.1) if simulation_mode: rospy.sleep(1) # Waiting to be sure Gazebo is open # -- Publishers # Blockly def highlight_block(self, block_id): msg = String() = block_id self.__highlight_block_publisher.publish(msg) def break_point(self): import sys msg = Int32() = 1 self.__break_point_publisher.publish(msg) # Close program sys.exit() # -- Main Purpose def request_new_calibration(self): """ Calls service to set the request calibration value. If failed, raises NiryoRosWrapperException :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ try: return self._call_service('/niryo_robot/joints_interface/request_new_calibration', Trigger) except rospy.ROSException as e: raise NiryoRosWrapperException(str(e))
[docs] def calibrate_auto(self): """ Calls service to calibrate motors then waits for its end. If failed, raises NiryoRosWrapperException :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__calibrate(calib_type_int=1)
[docs] def calibrate_manual(self): """ Calls service to calibrate motors then waits for its end. If failed, raises NiryoRosWrapperException :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__calibrate(calib_type_int=2)
def __calibrate(self, calib_type_int): """ Call service to calibrate motors then waits for its end. If failed, raises NiryoRosWrapperException :param calib_type_int: 1 for auto-calibration & 2 for manual calibration :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ hw_status = self.__hw_status_ntv.wait_for_message() if not hw_status.calibration_needed: return self.return_success("Calibration not needed") result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/joints_interface/calibrate_motors', SetInt, calib_type_int) self._check_result_status(result) # Wait until calibration start rospy.sleep(0.2) calibration_finished = False while not calibration_finished: try: hw_status = self.__hw_status_ntv.wait_for_message() if not (hw_status.calibration_needed or hw_status.calibration_in_progress): calibration_finished = True else: rospy.sleep(0.1) except rospy.ROSException as e: raise NiryoRosWrapperException(str(e)) # Little delay to be sure calibration is over rospy.sleep(0.5) return result.status, result.message
[docs] def get_learning_mode(self): """ Uses /niryo_robot/learning_mode/state topic subscriber to get learning mode status :return: ``True`` if activate else ``False`` :rtype: bool """ return
[docs] def set_learning_mode(self, set_bool): """ Calsl service to set_learning_mode according to set_bool. If failed, raises NiryoRosWrapperException :param set_bool: ``True`` to activate, ``False`` to deactivate :type set_bool: bool :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/learning_mode/activate', SetBool, set_bool) rospy.sleep(0.1) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
def get_max_velocity_scaling_factor(self): """ Gets the max velocity scaling factor :return: max velocity scaling factor :rtype: float """ return self.__max_velocity_scaling_factor_ntv.value
[docs] def set_arm_max_velocity(self, percentage): """ Sets relative max velocity (in %) :param percentage: Percentage of max velocity :type percentage: int :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/set_max_velocity_scaling_factor', SetInt, percentage) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
def set_arm_max_acceleration(self, percentage): """ Sets relative max acceleration (in %) :param percentage: Percentage of max acceleration :type percentage: int :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/set_acceleration_factor', SetFloat, percentage / 100.) return self._classic_return_w_check(result) # - Useful functions @staticmethod def wait(time_sleep): rospy.sleep(time_sleep) # -- Move # - Pose
[docs] def get_joints(self): """ Uses /joint_states topic to get joints status :return: list of joints value :rtype: list[float] """ return list(self.__joints_ntv.value.position[:6])
def get_joint_names(self): """ Uses /joint_states topic to get the name of the joints :return: list of the name of the joints :rtype: list[string] """ return list([:6])
[docs] def get_pose(self): """ Uses /niryo_robot/robot_state topic to get pose status :return: RobotState object (position.x/y/z && rpy.roll/pitch/yaw && orientation.x/y/z/w) :rtype: RobotState """ return self.__pose_ntv.value
[docs] def get_pose_as_list(self): """ Uses /niryo_robot/robot_state topic to get pose status :return: list corresponding to [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] :rtype: list[float] """ p = self.get_pose() return [p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z, p.rpy.roll, p.rpy.pitch, p.rpy.yaw]
[docs] def move_joints(self, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6): """ Executes Move joints action :param j1: :type j1: float :param j2: :type j2: float :param j3: :type j3: float :param j4: :type j4: float :param j5: :type j5: float :param j6: :type j6: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=ArmMoveCommand.JOINTS, joints=[j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6]) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
[docs] def move_to_sleep_pose(self): """ Moves to Sleep pose which allows the user to activate the learning mode without the risk of the robot hitting something because of gravity :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.move_joints(0.0, 0.50, -1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs] def move_pose(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, frame=''): """ Moves robot end effector pose to a (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) pose, in a particular frame if defined :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :param frame: :type frame: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ if frame != '': point, rot = self.__calculate_transform_in_frame(frame, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) return self.__move_pose_with_cmd(ArmMoveCommand.POSE, point.x, point.y, point.z, rot.roll, rot.pitch, rot.yaw) return self.__move_pose_with_cmd(ArmMoveCommand.POSE, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)
def move_circle(self, x, y, z): return self.__move_pose_with_cmd(ArmMoveCommand.DRAW_CIRCLE, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0)
[docs] def move_pose_saved(self, pose_name): """ Moves robot end effector pose to a pose saved :param pose_name: :type pose_name: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw = self.get_pose_saved(pose_name) return self.__move_pose_with_cmd(ArmMoveCommand.POSE, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)
def __move_pose_with_cmd(self, cmd_type, *pose): """ Executes Move pose action :param cmd_type: Command Type :type cmd_type: ArmMoveCommand -> POSE, LINEAR_POSE :param pose: tuple corresponding to x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw = pose cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=cmd_type, position=Point(x, y, z), rpy=RPY(roll=roll, pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw)) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
[docs] def shift_pose(self, axis, value): """ Executes Shift pose action :param axis: Value of RobotAxis enum corresponding to where the shift happens :type axis: ShiftPose :param value: shift value :type value: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.msg import ShiftPose cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=ArmMoveCommand.SHIFT_POSE, shift=ShiftPose(axis_number=axis, value=value)) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
[docs] def shift_linear_pose(self, axis, value): """ Executes Shift pose action with a linear trajectory :param axis: Value of RobotAxis enum corresponding to where the shift happens :type axis: ShiftPose :param value: shift value :type value: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.msg import ShiftPose cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=ArmMoveCommand.SHIFT_LINEAR_POSE, shift=ShiftPose(axis_number=axis, value=value)) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
[docs] def move_linear_pose(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, frame=''): """ Moves robot end effector pose to a (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) pose, with a linear trajectory, in a particular frame if defined :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :param frame: :type frame: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ if frame != '': point, rot = self.__calculate_transform_in_frame(frame, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) return self.__move_pose_with_cmd(ArmMoveCommand.LINEAR_POSE, point.x, point.y, point.z, rot.roll, rot.pitch, rot.yaw) return self.__move_pose_with_cmd(ArmMoveCommand.LINEAR_POSE, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)
def move_spiral(self, radius=0.2, angle_step=5, nb_steps=72, plan=1): """ Calls robot action service to draw a spiral trajectory :param radius: maximum distance between the spiral and the starting point :param angle_step: rotation between each waypoint creation :param nb_steps: number of waypoints from the beginning to the end of the spiral :param plan: xyz plan of the spiral: 1 = yz plan, 2 = xz plan, 3 = xy plan :type plan: int :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=ArmMoveCommand.DRAW_SPIRAL, args=[radius, angle_step, nb_steps, plan]) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal) def move_without_moveit(self, joints_target, duration): goal = self._create_goal(joints_target, duration) self.__follow_joint_traj_nac.action_server.wait_for_server() # When to start the trajectory: 0.1s from now goal.trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration.from_sec(0.1) self.__follow_joint_traj_nac.action_server.send_goal(goal) self.__follow_joint_traj_nac.action_server.wait_for_result(timeout=rospy.Duration(2 * duration + 0.1)) result = self.__follow_joint_traj_nac.action_server.get_result() if not result: raise NiryoRosWrapperException("Follow joint trajectory goal has reached timeout limit") msg_dict = {result.SUCCESSFUL: "Successful", result.INVALID_GOAL: "Invalid goal", result.INVALID_JOINTS: "Invalid joints", result.OLD_HEADER_TIMESTAMP: "Old header timestamp", result.PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED: "Path tolerance violated", result.GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED: "Goal tolerance violated"} return result.error_code, msg_dict[result.error_code] def _create_goal(self, joints_position, duration): trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=joints_position, velocities=[0.0] * len(joints_position), time_from_start=rospy.Duration(duration)) trajectory = JointTrajectory(joint_names=self.get_joint_names(), points=[trajectory_point]) goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal(trajectory=trajectory) return goal def stop_move(self): """ Stops the robot movement :return: list of joints value :rtype: list[float] """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_commander/stop_command', Trigger) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def set_jog_use_state(self, state): """ Turns jog controller On or Off :param state: ``True`` to turn on, else ``False`` :type state: bool :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/jog_interface/enable', SetBool, state) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def jog_joints_shift(self, shift_values): """ Makes a Jog on joints position :param shift_values: list corresponding to the shift to be applied to each joint :type shift_values: list[float] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import JogShift, JogShiftRequest return self.__jog_shift(JogShiftRequest.JOINTS_SHIFT, shift_values)
[docs] def jog_pose_shift(self, shift_values): """ Makes a Jog on end-effector position :param shift_values: list corresponding to the shift to be applied to the position :type shift_values: list[float] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import JogShift, JogShiftRequest return self.__jog_shift(JogShiftRequest.POSE_SHIFT, shift_values)
def __jog_shift(self, cmd, shift_values): from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import JogShift, JogShiftRequest result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/jog_interface/jog_shift_commander', JogShift, cmd, shift_values) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def forward_kinematics(self, j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6): """ Computes forward kinematics :param j1: :type j1: float :param j2: :type j2: float :param j3: :type j3: float :param j4: :type j4: float :param j5: :type j5: float :param j6: :type j6: float :return: list corresponding to [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] :rtype: list[float] """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import GetFK joints = [j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6] result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/kinematics/forward', GetFK, joints) return self.robot_state_msg_to_list(result.pose)
[docs] def inverse_kinematics(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Computes inverse kinematics :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :return: list of joints value :rtype: list[float] """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import GetIK state = RobotState(position=Point(x, y, z), rpy=RPY(roll, pitch, yaw)) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/kinematics/inverse', GetIK, state) if not result.success: raise NiryoRosWrapperException("Failed to perform invert kinematic") return result.joints
# - Saved Pose
[docs] def get_pose_saved(self, pose_name): """ Gets saved pose from robot intern storage Will raise error if position does not exist :param pose_name: Pose Name :type pose_name: str :return: x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw :rtype: tuple[float] """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import GetPose result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_pose', GetPose, pose_name) self._check_result_status(result) pose = result.pose x, y, z = pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z roll, pitch, yaw = pose.rpy.roll, pose.rpy.pitch, pose.rpy.yaw return x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw
[docs] def save_pose(self, name, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Saves pose in robot's memory :param name: :type name: str :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManagePose, ManagePoseRequest req = ManagePoseRequest() req.cmd = ManagePoseRequest.SAVE = name req.pose.position = Point(x, y, z) req.pose.rpy = RPY(roll, pitch, yaw) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_pose', ManagePose, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def delete_pose(self, name): """ Sends delete command to the pose manager service :param name: :type name: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManagePose, ManagePoseRequest req = ManagePoseRequest() req.cmd = ManagePoseRequest.DELETE = name result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_pose', ManagePose, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def get_saved_pose_list(self, with_desc=False): """ Asks the pose manager service which positions are available :param with_desc: If True it returns the poses descriptions :type with_desc: bool :return: list of positions name :rtype: list[str] """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_pose_list', GetNameDescriptionList) if with_desc: return result.name_list, result.description_list return result.name_list
# - Pick/Place
[docs] def pick_from_pose(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Executes a picking from a position. If an error happens during the movement, error will be raised A picking is described as : - going over the object - going down until height = z - grasping with tool - going back over the object :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ self.release_with_tool() self.move_pose(x, y, z + 0.05, roll, pitch, yaw) self.move_pose(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) self.grasp_with_tool() return self.move_pose(x, y, z + 0.05, roll, pitch, yaw)
[docs] def place_from_pose(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Executes a placing from a position. If an error happens during the movement, error will be raised A placing is described as : - going over the place - going down until height = z - releasing the object with tool - going back over the place :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ self.move_pose(x, y, z + 0.05, roll, pitch, yaw) self.move_pose(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) self.release_with_tool() return self.move_pose(x, y, z + 0.05, roll, pitch, yaw)
[docs] def pick_and_place(self, pick_pose, place_pose, dist_smoothing=0.0): """ Executes a pick and place. If an error happens during the movement, error will be raised -> Args param is for development purposes :param pick_pose: :type pick_pose: list[float] :param place_pose: :type place_pose: list[float] :param dist_smoothing: Distance from waypoints before smoothing trajectory :type dist_smoothing: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ self.release_with_tool() pick_pose_high = self.copy_position_with_offsets(pick_pose, z_offset=0.05) place_pose_high = self.copy_position_with_offsets(place_pose, z_offset=0.05) self.execute_trajectory_from_poses([pick_pose_high, pick_pose], dist_smoothing) self.grasp_with_tool() self.execute_trajectory_from_poses([pick_pose_high, place_pose_high, place_pose], dist_smoothing) self.release_with_tool() return self.move_pose(*place_pose_high)
# - Trajectories
[docs] def get_trajectory_saved(self, trajectory_name): """ Gets saved trajectory from robot intern storage Will raise error if position does not exist :param trajectory_name: :type trajectory_name: str :raises NiryoRosWrapperException: If trajectory file doesn't exist :return: list of [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] :rtype: list[list[float]] """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import GetTrajectory result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/get_trajectory', GetTrajectory, trajectory_name) self._check_result_status(result) return [t.positions for t in result.trajectory.points]
[docs] def get_saved_trajectory_list(self): """ Asks the pose trajectory service which trajectories are available :return: list of trajectory name :rtype: list[str] """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/get_trajectory_list', GetNameDescriptionList) return result.name_list
def execute_registered_trajectory(self, trajectory_name): """ Sends execution command to the trajectory manager service :param trajectory_name: name :type trajectory_name: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ManageTrajectory, ManageTrajectoryRequest req = ManageTrajectoryRequest(cmd=ManageTrajectoryRequest.EXECUTE_REGISTERED, name=trajectory_name) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/manage_trajectory', ManageTrajectory, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def execute_trajectory_from_poses(self, list_poses_raw, dist_smoothing=0.0): """ Executes trajectory from a list of pose :param list_poses_raw: list of [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] or list of [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] :type list_poses_raw: list[list[float]] :param dist_smoothing: Distance from waypoints before smoothing trajectory :type dist_smoothing: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ if len(list_poses_raw) < 2: return "Give me at least 2 points" list_poses = self.__list_pose_raw_to_list_poses(list_poses_raw) return self.__execute_trajectory_from_formatted_poses(list_poses, dist_smoothing)
def compute_trajectory_from_poses(self, list_poses_raw, dist_smoothing=0.0): from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ComputeTrajectory if len(list_poses_raw) < 2: return "Give me at least 2 points" list_poses = self.__list_pose_raw_to_list_poses(list_poses_raw) result = self._call_service("/niryo_robot_arm_commander/compute_waypointed_trajectory", ComputeTrajectory, list_poses, dist_smoothing) self._classic_return_w_check(result) return result.trajectory def __list_pose_raw_to_list_poses(self, list_poses_raw): from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.transform_functions import quaternion_from_euler list_poses = [] for pose in list_poses_raw: point = Point(*pose[:3]) angle = pose[3:] if len(angle) == 3: quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(*angle) else: quaternion = angle orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion) list_poses.append(Pose(point, orientation)) return list_poses
[docs] def execute_trajectory_from_poses_and_joints(self, list_pose_joints, list_type=None, dist_smoothing=0.0): """ Executes trajectory from list of poses and joints :param list_pose_joints: List of [x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw] or list of [x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw] or a list of [j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6] :type list_pose_joints: list[list[float]] :param list_type: List of string 'pose' or 'joint', or ['pose'] (if poses only) or ['joint'] (if joints only). If None, it is assumed there are only poses in the list. :type list_type: list[string] :param dist_smoothing: Distance from waypoints before smoothing trajectory :type dist_smoothing: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ list_pose_waypoints = self.__list_pose_joints_to_list_poses(list_pose_joints, list_type) return self.execute_trajectory_from_poses(list_pose_waypoints, dist_smoothing)
def compute_trajectory_from_poses_and_joints(self, list_pose_joints, list_type=None, dist_smoothing=0.0): list_pose_waypoints = self.__list_pose_joints_to_list_poses(list_pose_joints, list_type) return self.compute_trajectory_from_poses(list_pose_waypoints, dist_smoothing) def __list_pose_joints_to_list_poses(self, list_pose_joints, list_type=None): if list_type is None: list_type = ['pose'] list_pose_waypoints = [] if len(list_type) == 1: # only one type of object if list_type[0] == "pose": # every elem in list is a pose list_pose_waypoints = list_pose_joints elif list_type[0] == "joint": # every elem in list is a joint list_pose_waypoints = [self.forward_kinematics(*joint) for joint in list_pose_joints] else: raise NiryoRosWrapperException( "Executes trajectory from poses and joints - Wrong list_type argument : got " + list_type[0] + ", expected 'pose' or 'joint'") elif len(list_type) == len(list_pose_joints): # convert every joints to poses for target, type_ in zip(list_pose_joints, list_type): if type_ == 'joint': pose_from_joint = self.forward_kinematics(*target) list_pose_waypoints.append(pose_from_joint) elif type_ == 'pose': list_pose_waypoints.append(target) else: raise NiryoRosWrapperException( 'Executes trajectory from poses and joints - Wrong list_type argument at index ' + str(i) + ' got ' + type_ + ", expected 'pose' or 'joint'") else: raise NiryoRosWrapperException( 'Executes trajectory from poses and joints - List of waypoints (size ' + str(len(list_pose_joints)) + ') and list of type (size ' + str(len(list_type)) + ') must be the same size.') return list_pose_waypoints
[docs] def save_trajectory(self, trajectory_points, trajectory_name, trajectory_description): """ Saves trajectory object and sends it to the trajectory manager service :param trajectory_name: name which will have the trajectory :type trajectory_name: str :param trajectory_points: list of trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint :type trajectory_points: list[trajectory_msgsJointTrajectorypoint] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ManageTrajectory, ManageTrajectoryRequest from std_msgs.msg import Header req = ManageTrajectoryRequest() req.cmd = ManageTrajectoryRequest.SAVE = trajectory_name req.trajectory = JointTrajectory(header=Header(, joint_names=self.get_joint_names(), points=trajectory_points) req.description = trajectory_description result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/manage_trajectory', ManageTrajectory, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
def save_last_learned_trajectory(self, trajectory_name, trajectory_description): """ Saves trajectory object and sends it to the trajectory manager service :param trajectory_name: name which will have the trajectory :type trajectory_name: str :param trajectory_description: description which will have the trajectory :type trajectory_description: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ManageTrajectory, ManageTrajectoryRequest req = ManageTrajectoryRequest() req.cmd = ManageTrajectoryRequest.SAVE_LAST_LEARNED = trajectory_name req.description = trajectory_description result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/manage_trajectory', ManageTrajectory, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result) def update_trajectory_infos(self, name, new_name, new_description): from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ManageTrajectory, ManageTrajectoryRequest req = ManageTrajectoryRequest(cmd=ManageTrajectoryRequest.UPDATE, name=name, new_name=new_name, description=new_description) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/manage_trajectory', ManageTrajectory, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result) def __execute_trajectory_from_formatted_poses(self, list_poses, dist_smoothing=0.0): goal = RobotMoveGoal() goal.cmd.cmd_type = ArmMoveCommand.EXECUTE_TRAJ goal.cmd.list_poses = list_poses goal.cmd.dist_smoothing = dist_smoothing return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal) def execute_moveit_robot_trajectory(self, moveit_robot_trajectory): goal = RobotMoveGoal() goal.cmd.cmd_type = ArmMoveCommand.EXECUTE_FULL_TRAJ goal.cmd.trajectory = moveit_robot_trajectory return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
[docs] def delete_trajectory(self, trajectory_name): """ Sends delete command to the trajectory manager service :param trajectory_name: name :type trajectory_name: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ManageTrajectory, ManageTrajectoryRequest req = ManageTrajectoryRequest(cmd=ManageTrajectoryRequest.DELETE, name=trajectory_name) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/manage_trajectory', ManageTrajectory, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
def clean_trajectory_memory(self): """ Sends delete all trajectory command to the trajectory manager service :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_arm_commander.srv import ManageTrajectory, ManageTrajectoryRequest req = ManageTrajectoryRequest(cmd=ManageTrajectoryRequest.DELETE_ALL) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_arm_commander/manage_trajectory', ManageTrajectory, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result) # - Dynamic frame
[docs] def save_dynamic_frame_from_poses(self, frame_name, description, list_robot_poses, belong_to_workspace=False): """ Create a dynamic frame with 3 poses (origin, x, y) :param frame_name: name of the frame :type frame_name: str :param description: description of the frame :type description: str :param list_robot_poses: 3 poses needed to create the frame :type list_robot_poses: list[list[float]] :param belong_to_workspace: indicate if the frame belong to a workspace :type belong_to_workspace: boolean :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageDynamicFrame, ManageDynamicFrameRequest list_poses = [self.list_to_robot_state_msg(*pose) for pose in list_robot_poses] req = ManageDynamicFrameRequest() req.cmd = ManageDynamicFrameRequest.SAVE = frame_name req.dynamic_frame.description = description req.dynamic_frame.poses = list_poses req.dynamic_frame.belong_to_workspace = belong_to_workspace result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_dynamic_frame', ManageDynamicFrame, req) self._check_result_status(result) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def save_dynamic_frame_from_points(self, frame_name, description, list_points, belong_to_workspace=False): """ Create a dynamic frame with 3 points (origin, x, y) :param frame_name: name of the frame :type frame_name: str :param description: description of the frame :type description: str :param list_points: 3 points needed to create the frame :type list_points: list[list[float]] :param belong_to_workspace: indicate if the frame belong to a workspace :type belong_to_workspace: boolean :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageDynamicFrame, ManageDynamicFrameRequest points = [Point(*point) for point in list_points] req = ManageDynamicFrameRequest() req.cmd = ManageDynamicFrameRequest.SAVE_WITH_POINTS = frame_name req.dynamic_frame.description = description req.dynamic_frame.points = points req.dynamic_frame.belong_to_workspace = belong_to_workspace result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_dynamic_frame', ManageDynamicFrame, req) self._check_result_status(result) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def edit_dynamic_frame(self, frame_name, new_frame_name, new_description): """ Modify a dynamic frame :param frame_name: name of the frame :type frame_name: str :param new_frame_name: new name of the frame :type new_frame_name: str :param new_description: new description of the frame :type new_description: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageDynamicFrame, ManageDynamicFrameRequest req = ManageDynamicFrameRequest() req.cmd = ManageDynamicFrameRequest.EDIT = frame_name req.dynamic_frame.new_name = new_frame_name req.dynamic_frame.description = new_description result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_dynamic_frame', ManageDynamicFrame, req) self._check_result_status(result) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def delete_dynamic_frame(self, frame_name, belong_to_workspace=False): """ Delete a dynamic frame :param frame_name: name of the frame to remove :type frame_name: str :param belong_to_workspace: indicate if the frame belong to a workspace :type belong_to_workspace: boolean :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageDynamicFrame, ManageDynamicFrameRequest req = ManageDynamicFrameRequest() req.cmd = ManageDynamicFrameRequest.DELETE = frame_name req.dynamic_frame.belong_to_workspace = belong_to_workspace result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_dynamic_frame', ManageDynamicFrame, req) self._check_result_status(result) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def get_saved_dynamic_frame(self, frame_name): """ Get name, description and pose of a dynamic frame :param frame_name: name of the frame :type frame_name: str :return: name, description, position and orientation of a frame :rtype: list[str, str, list[float]] """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import GetDynamicFrame result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_dynamic_frame', GetDynamicFrame, frame_name) self._check_result_status(result) name = description = result.dynamic_frame.description position = result.dynamic_frame.position rpy = result.dynamic_frame.rpy return [name, description, [position.x, position.y, position.z, rpy.roll, rpy.pitch, rpy.yaw]]
[docs] def get_saved_dynamic_frame_list(self): """ Get list of saved dynamic frames :return: list of dynamic frames name, list of description of dynamic frames :rtype: list[str], list[str] """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_dynamic_frame_list', GetNameDescriptionList) return result.name_list, result.description_list
def __transform_pose(self, pose_local_frame, local_frame, source_frame): """ Transform pose from a local frame to source frame :param pose_local_frame: pose in local frame :type pose_local_frame: geometry_msgs/Pose :param local_frame: name of local frame :type local_frame: str :param source_frame: name of local frame :type source_frame: str :return: transform_pose pose in frame source :rtype: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped """ import tf2_ros import tf2_geometry_msgs if not hasattr(self, 'tf_listener') or not hasattr(self, 'tf_buffer'): self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer) # Get transform try: transform = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(source_frame, local_frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) except rospy.ROSException as e: raise NiryoRosWrapperException(str(e)) # Pose in local_frame pose_stamped = tf2_geometry_msgs.PoseStamped() pose_stamped.pose = pose_local_frame pose_stamped.header.frame_id = local_frame pose_stamped.header.stamp = # Calculate pose in world frame transform_pose = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose(pose_stamped, transform) return transform_pose def __calculate_transform_in_frame(self, frame_name, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Calculate the pose (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) in the frame (frame_name) :param frame_name:, name of the frame :type frame_name : str :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ import tf import geometry_msgs pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() pose.position = Point(x, y, z) quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw) pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion) world_pose = self.__transform_pose(pose, frame_name, "world") point = world_pose.pose.position quaternion = world_pose.pose.orientation euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(self.quaternion_to_list(quaternion)) rot = RPY(*euler) return point, rot def __calculate_relative(self, frame_name, offset): """ Calculate the pose by a relative movement (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) in the frame (frame_name) :param frame_name:, name of the frame :type frame_name : str :param offset: list[x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] :type offset: list[6*float] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from tf.transformations import quaternion_multiply, euler_from_quaternion, quaternion_from_euler import geometry_msgs world_pose = self.get_pose() pose_local = self.__transform_pose(world_pose, "world", frame_name) offset = list(map(float, offset)) # Aim pose pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() offset_position = [a + b for a, b in zip(self.point_to_list(pose_local.pose.position), offset[:3])] pose.position = Point(*offset_position) quaternion = quaternion_multiply(quaternion_from_euler(*offset[3:]), self.quaternion_to_list(pose_local.pose.orientation)) pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion) # Convert pose from a frame to frame world new_world_pose = self.__transform_pose(pose, frame_name, "world") point = new_world_pose.pose.position quaternion = new_world_pose.pose.orientation euler = euler_from_quaternion(self.quaternion_to_list(quaternion)) rot = RPY(*euler) return point, rot
[docs] def move_relative(self, offset, frame="world"): """ Move robot end of a offset in a frame :param offset: list which contains offset of x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw :type offset: list[float] :param frame: name of local frame :type frame: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ point, rot = self.__calculate_relative(frame, offset) # Move arm cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=ArmMoveCommand.POSE, position=point, rpy=rot) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
[docs] def move_linear_relative(self, offset, frame="world"): """ Move robot end of a offset by a linear movement in a frame :param offset: list which contains offset of x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw :type offset: list[float] :param frame: name of local frame :type frame: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ point, rot = self.__calculate_relative(frame, offset) # Move arm cmd = ArmMoveCommand(cmd_type=ArmMoveCommand.LINEAR_POSE, position=point, rpy=rot) goal = RobotMoveGoal(cmd=cmd) return self.__robot_action_nac.execute(goal)
# - Useful Pose functions @staticmethod def quaternion_to_list(quaternion): return [quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w] @staticmethod def point_to_list(point): return [point.x, point.y, point.z] @staticmethod def copy_position_with_offsets(copied_pose, x_offset=0.0, y_offset=0.0, z_offset=0.0): """ Copies a position and adds offset to some coordinates """ new_pose = [v for v in copied_pose] # Copying all values new_pose[0] += x_offset # adjust x new_pose[1] += y_offset # adjust y new_pose[2] += z_offset # adjust z return new_pose @staticmethod def list_to_robot_state_msg(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Translates (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) to a RobotState Object """ return RobotState(position=Point(x, y, z), rpy=RPY(roll, pitch, yaw)) @staticmethod def robot_state_msg_to_list(robot_state): """ Translates a RobotState Object to (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) """ return (robot_state.position.x, robot_state.position.y, robot_state.position.z, robot_state.rpy.roll, robot_state.rpy.pitch, robot_state.rpy.yaw) # -- Tools
[docs] def get_current_tool_id(self): """ Uses /niryo_robot_tools_commander/current_id topic to get current tool id :return: Tool Id :rtype: ToolID """ return self.__tools.get_current_tool_id()
[docs] def update_tool(self): """ Calls service niryo_robot_tools_commander/update_tool to update tool :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.update_tool()
[docs] def grasp_with_tool(self, pin_id=""): """ Grasps with the tool linked to tool_id This action corresponds to - Close gripper for Grippers - Pull Air for Vacuum pump - Activate for Electromagnet :param pin_id: [Only required for electromagnet] Pin ID of the electromagnet :type pin_id: PinID :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.grasp_with_tool(pin_id)
[docs] def release_with_tool(self, pin_id=""): """ Releases with the tool associated to tool_id This action corresponds to - Open gripper for Grippers - Push Air for Vacuum pump - Deactivate for Electromagnet :param pin_id: [Only required for electromagnet] Pin ID of the electromagnet :type pin_id: PinID :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.release_with_tool(pin_id)
# - Gripper
[docs] def open_gripper(self, speed=500, max_torque_percentage=100, hold_torque_percentage=20): """ Opens gripper with a speed 'speed' :param speed: Default -> 500 :type speed: int :param max_torque_percentage: Default -> 100 :type max_torque_percentage: int :param hold_torque_percentage: Default -> 20 :type hold_torque_percentage: int :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.open_gripper(speed, max_torque_percentage, hold_torque_percentage)
[docs] def close_gripper(self, speed=500, max_torque_percentage=100, hold_torque_percentage=50): """ Closes gripper with a speed 'speed' :param speed: Default -> 500 :type speed: int :param max_torque_percentage: Default -> 100 :type max_torque_percentage: int :param hold_torque_percentage: Default -> 20 :type hold_torque_percentage: int :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.close_gripper(speed, max_torque_percentage, hold_torque_percentage)
# - Vacuum
[docs] def pull_air_vacuum_pump(self): """ Pulls air :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.pull_air_vacuum_pump()
[docs] def push_air_vacuum_pump(self): """ Pulls air :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.push_air_vacuum_pump()
# - Electromagnet
[docs] def setup_electromagnet(self, pin_id): """ Setups electromagnet on pin :param pin_id: Pin ID :type pin_id: PinID :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.setup_electromagnet(pin_id)
[docs] def activate_electromagnet(self, pin_id): """ Activates electromagnet associated to electromagnet_id on pin_id :param pin_id: Pin ID :type pin_id: PinID :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.activate_electromagnet(pin_id)
[docs] def deactivate_electromagnet(self, pin_id): """ Deactivates electromagnet associated to electromagnet_id on pin_id :param pin_id: Pin ID :type pin_id: PinID :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.deactivate_electromagnet(pin_id)
# - TCP
[docs] def enable_tcp(self, enable=True): """ Enables or disables the TCP function (Tool Center Point). If activation is requested, the last recorded TCP value will be applied. The default value depends on the gripper equipped. If deactivation is requested, the TCP will be coincident with the tool_link :param enable: True to enable, False otherwise. :type enable: Bool :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.enable_tcp(enable)
[docs] def set_tcp(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): """ Activates the TCP function (Tool Center Point) and defines the transformation between the tool_link frame and the TCP frame :param x: :type x: float :param y: :type y: float :param z: :type z: float :param roll: :type roll: float :param pitch: :type pitch: float :param yaw: :type yaw: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.set_tcp(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)
[docs] def reset_tcp(self): """ Resets the TCP (Tool Center Point) transformation. The TCP will be reset according to the tool equipped :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ return self.__tools.reset_tcp()
def tool_reboot(self): """ Reboots the motor of the tool equipped. Useful when an Overload error occurs. (cf HardwareStatus) :return: success, message :rtype: (bool, str) """ return self.__tools.tool_reboot() # - Hardware def get_simulation_mode(self): """ The simulation mode """ return self.__simulation_mode
[docs] def set_pin_mode(self, pin_id, pin_mode): """ Sets pin number pin_id to mode pin_mode :param pin_id: :type pin_id: PinID :param pin_mode: :type pin_mode: PinMode :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_rpi.srv import SetIOMode result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_rpi/set_digital_io_mode', SetIOMode, pin_id, pin_mode) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def digital_write(self, pin_id, digital_state): """ Sets pin_id state to pin_state :param pin_id: The name of the pin :type pin_id: Union[ PinID, str] :param digital_state: :type digital_state: Union[ PinState, bool] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_rpi.srv import SetDigitalIO result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_rpi/set_digital_io', SetDigitalIO, pin_id, digital_state) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
def analog_write(self, pin_id, analog_state): """ Sets pin_id state to pin_state :param pin_id: The name of the pin :type pin_id: Union[ PinID, str] :param analog_state: :type analog_state: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_rpi.srv import SetAnalogIO result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_rpi/set_analog_io', SetAnalogIO, pin_id, analog_state) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def digital_read(self, pin_id): """ Reads pin number pin_id and returns its state :param pin_id: The name of the pin :type pin_id: Union[ PinID, str] :return: state :rtype: PinState """ from niryo_robot_rpi.srv import GetDigitalIO result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_rpi/get_digital_io', GetDigitalIO, pin_id) self._check_result_status(result) return PinState.LOW if result.value == 0 else PinState.HIGH
def analog_read(self, pin_id): """ Reads pin number pin_id and returns its state :param pin_id: The name of the pin :type pin_id: Union[ PinID, str] :return: state :rtype: PinState """ from niryo_robot_rpi.srv import GetAnalogIO result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_rpi/get_analog_io', GetAnalogIO, pin_id) self._check_result_status(result) return result.value
[docs] def get_digital_io_state(self): """ Gets Digital IO state : Names, modes, states :return: Infos contains in a IOsState object (see niryo_robot_msgs) :rtype: IOsState """ return self.__digital_io_state_ntv.value
def get_analog_io_state(self): return self.__analog_io_state_ntv.value def get_hardware_version(self): """ Gets the robot hardware version """ return self.__hardware_version
[docs] def get_hardware_status(self): """ Gets hardware status : Temperature, Hardware version, motors names & types ... :return: Infos contains in a HardwareStatus object (see niryo_robot_msgs) :rtype: HardwareStatus """ return self.__hw_status_ntv.value
@staticmethod def get_robot_status(): msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/niryo_robot_status/robot_status', RobotStatus, 2) return msg @staticmethod def get_axis_limits(): """ Returns the joints and positions min and max values :return: An object containing all the values :rtype: dict """ path_pattern = '/niryo_robot/robot_command_validation/{}/{}/{}' axis_limits = { 'joint_limits': { 'joint_1': None, 'joint_2': None, 'joint_3': None, 'joint_4': None, 'joint_5': None, 'joint_6': None, }, 'position_limits': { 'x': None, 'y': None, 'z': None, }, 'rpy_limits': { 'roll': None, 'pitch': None, 'yaw': None, } } for axis_group in axis_limits: for axis in axis_limits[axis_group]: try: limits = { 'min': rospy.get_param(path_pattern.format(axis_group, axis, 'min')), 'max': rospy.get_param(path_pattern.format(axis_group, axis, 'max')), } except KeyError as e: return False, str(e) axis_limits[axis_group][axis] = limits return True, axis_limits def reboot_motors(self): """ Reboots the robots motors :raises NiryoRosWrapperException: :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_hardware_interface/reboot_motors', Trigger) return self._classic_return_w_check(result) # - Conveyor
[docs] def set_conveyor(self): """ Scans for conveyor on can bus. If conveyor detected, returns the conveyor ID :raises NiryoRosWrapperException: :return: ID :rtype: ConveyorID """ from conveyor_interface.srv import SetConveyor, SetConveyorRequest req = SetConveyorRequest(cmd=SetConveyorRequest.ADD) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/conveyor/ping_and_set_conveyor', SetConveyor, req) # If no new conveyor is detected, it should not crash if result.status in [CommandStatus.NO_CONVEYOR_LEFT, CommandStatus.NO_CONVEYOR_FOUND]: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, 'ROS Wrapper - No new conveyor found') else: self._check_result_status(result) return
[docs] def unset_conveyor(self, conveyor_id): """ Removes specific conveyor :param conveyor_id: Basically, ConveyorID.ONE or ConveyorID.TWO :type conveyor_id: ConveyorID :raises NiryoRosWrapperException: :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from conveyor_interface.srv import SetConveyor, SetConveyorRequest req = SetConveyorRequest(cmd=SetConveyorRequest.REMOVE, id=self.__conveyor_number_to_conveyor_id(conveyor_id)) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/conveyor/ping_and_set_conveyor', SetConveyor, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def control_conveyor(self, conveyor_id, bool_control_on, speed, direction): """ Controls conveyor associated to conveyor_id. Then stops it if bool_control_on is False, else refreshes it speed and direction :param conveyor_id: ConveyorID.ID_1 or ConveyorID.ID_2 :type conveyor_id: ConveyorID :param bool_control_on: True for activate, False for deactivate :type bool_control_on: bool :param speed: target speed :type speed: int :param direction: Target direction :type direction: ConveyorDirection :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from conveyor_interface.srv import ControlConveyor, ControlConveyorRequest req = ControlConveyorRequest(id=self.__conveyor_number_to_conveyor_id(conveyor_id), control_on=bool_control_on, speed=speed, direction=direction) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot/conveyor/control_conveyor', ControlConveyor, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
def get_conveyors_feedback(self): """ Gives conveyors feedback :return: List[ID, connection_state, running, speed, direction] :rtype: List(int, bool, bool, int, int) """ fb = self.__conveyors_feedback_ntv.value return fb.conveyors def __conveyor_number_to_conveyor_id(self, conveyor_number): if conveyor_number == ConveyorID.ID_1: return ConveyorTTL.ID_1 if self.get_hardware_version() in ['ned2'] else ConveyorCan.ID_1 elif conveyor_number == ConveyorID.ID_2: return ConveyorTTL.ID_2 if self.get_hardware_version() in ['ned2'] else ConveyorCan.ID_2 else: return conveyor_number def __conveyor_id_to_conveyor_number(self, conveyor_id): if conveyor_id in [ConveyorTTL.ID_1, ConveyorCan.ID_1]: return ConveyorID.ID_1 elif conveyor_id in [ConveyorTTL.ID_2, ConveyorCan.ID_2]: return ConveyorID.ID_2 elif conveyor_id in [ConveyorTTL.NONE, ConveyorCan.NONE]: return ConveyorID.NONE else: return conveyor_id # - Vision
[docs] def get_compressed_image(self, with_seq=False): """ Gets last stream image in a compressed format :return: string containing a JPEG compressed image :rtype: str """ compressed_img = self.__compressed_image_message_ntv.value if with_seq: return, compressed_img.header.seq return
[docs] def set_brightness(self, brightness_factor): """ Modifies image brightness :param brightness_factor: How much to adjust the brightness. 0.5 will give a darkened image, 1 will give the original image while 2 will enhance the brightness by a factor of 2. :type brightness_factor: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_vision.srv import SetImageParameter result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_vision/set_brightness', SetImageParameter, brightness_factor) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def set_contrast(self, contrast_factor): """ Modifies image contrast :param contrast_factor: While a factor of 1 gives original image. Making the factor towards 0 makes the image greyer, while factor>1 increases the contrast of the image. :type contrast_factor: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_vision.srv import SetImageParameter result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_vision/set_contrast', SetImageParameter, contrast_factor) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def set_saturation(self, saturation_factor): """ Modifies image saturation :param saturation_factor: How much to adjust the saturation. 0 will give a black and white image, 1 will give the original image while 2 will enhance the saturation by a factor of 2. :type saturation_factor: float :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_vision.srv import SetImageParameter result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_vision/set_saturation', SetImageParameter, saturation_factor) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
@staticmethod def get_image_parameters(): """ Gets last stream image parameters: Brightness factor, Contrast factor, Saturation factor. Brightness factor: How much to adjust the brightness. 0.5 will give a darkened image, 1 will give the original image while 2 will enhance the brightness by a factor of 2. Contrast factor: While a factor of 1 gives original image. Making the factor towards 0 makes the image greyer, while factor>1 increases the contrast of the image. Saturation factor: 0 will give a black and white image, 1 will give the original image while 2 will enhance the saturation by a factor of 2. :return: Brightness factor, Contrast factor, Saturation factor :rtype: float, float, float """ from niryo_robot_vision.msg import ImageParameters try: img_param_msg = rospy.wait_for_message('/niryo_robot_vision/video_stream_parameters', ImageParameters, timeout=5) except rospy.ROSException: raise NiryoRosWrapperException( "Could not get image parameters on the {} topic".format('/niryo_robot_vision/video_stream_parameters')) return img_param_msg.brightness_factor, img_param_msg.contrast_factor, img_param_msg.saturation_factor
[docs] def get_target_pose_from_rel(self, workspace_name, height_offset, x_rel, y_rel, yaw_rel): """ Given a pose (x_rel, y_rel, yaw_rel) relative to a workspace, this function returns the robot pose in which the current tool will be able to pick an object at this pose. The height_offset argument (in m) defines how high the tool will hover over the workspace. If height_offset = 0, the tool will nearly touch the workspace. :param workspace_name: name of the workspace :type workspace_name: str :param height_offset: offset between the workspace and the target height :type height_offset: float :param x_rel: :type x_rel: float :param y_rel: :type y_rel: float :param yaw_rel: :type yaw_rel: float :return: target_pose :rtype: RobotState """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import GetTargetPose, GetTargetPoseRequest result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_target_pose', GetTargetPose, workspace_name, height_offset, x_rel, y_rel, yaw_rel) self._check_result_status(result) return result.target_pose
[docs] def get_target_pose_from_cam(self, workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color): """ First detects the specified object using the camera and then returns the robot pose in which the object can be picked with the current tool :param workspace_name: name of the workspace :type workspace_name: str :param height_offset: offset between the workspace and the target height :type height_offset: float :param shape: shape of the target :type shape: ObjectShape :param color: color of the target :type color: ObjectColor :return: object_found, object_pose, object_shape, object_color :rtype: (bool, RobotState, str, str) """ object_found, rel_pose, obj_shape, obj_color = self.detect_object(workspace_name, shape, color) if not object_found: return False, None, "", "" obj_pose = self.get_target_pose_from_rel(workspace_name, height_offset, rel_pose.x, rel_pose.y, rel_pose.yaw) return True, obj_pose, obj_shape, obj_color
[docs] def vision_pick_w_obs_joints(self, workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color, observation_joints): """ Move Joints to observation_joints, then executes a vision pick """ self.move_joints(*observation_joints) return self.vision_pick(workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color)
[docs] def vision_pick_w_obs_pose(self, workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color, observation_pose_list): """ Move Pose to observation_pose, then executes a vision pick """ self.move_pose(*observation_pose_list) return self.vision_pick(workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color)
[docs] def vision_pick(self, workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color): """ Picks the specified object from the workspace. This function has multiple phases: 1. detects object using the camera 2. prepares the current tool for picking 3. approaches the object 4. moves down to the correct picking pose 5. actuates the current tool 6. lifts the object :param workspace_name: name of the workspace :type workspace_name: str :param height_offset: offset between the workspace and the target height :type height_offset: float :param shape: shape of the target :type shape: ObjectShape :param color: color of the target :type color: ObjectColor :return: object_found, object_shape, object_color :rtype: (bool, ObjectShape, ObjectColor) """ object_found, rel_pose, obj_shape, obj_color = self.detect_object(workspace_name, shape, color) if not object_found: return False, "", "" pick_pose = self.get_target_pose_from_rel( workspace_name, height_offset, rel_pose.x, rel_pose.y, rel_pose.yaw) approach_pose = self.get_target_pose_from_rel( workspace_name, height_offset + 0.05, rel_pose.x, rel_pose.y, rel_pose.yaw) self.release_with_tool() self.move_pose(*self.robot_state_msg_to_list(approach_pose)) self.move_pose(*self.robot_state_msg_to_list(pick_pose)) self.grasp_with_tool() self.move_pose(*self.robot_state_msg_to_list(approach_pose)) return True, obj_shape, obj_color
[docs] def move_to_object(self, workspace, height_offset, shape, color): """ Same as `get_target_pose_from_cam` but directly moves to this position :param workspace: name of the workspace :type workspace: str :param height_offset: offset between the workspace and the target height :type height_offset: float :param shape: shape of the target :type shape: ObjectShape :param color: color of the target :type color: ObjectColor :return: object_found, object_shape, object_color :rtype: (bool, ObjectShape, ObjectColor) """ obj_found, obj_pose, obj_shape, obj_color = self.get_target_pose_from_cam( workspace, height_offset, shape, color) if not obj_found: return False, "", "" self.move_pose(*self.robot_state_msg_to_list(obj_pose)) return True, obj_shape, obj_color
[docs] def detect_object(self, workspace_name, shape, color): """ :param workspace_name: name of the workspace :type workspace_name: str :param shape: shape of the target :type shape: ObjectShape :param color: color of the target :type color: ObjectColor :return: object_found, object_pose, object_shape, object_color :rtype: (bool, RobotState, str, str) """ from niryo_robot_vision.srv import ObjDetection ratio = self.get_workspace_ratio(workspace_name) response = self._call_service("/niryo_robot_vision/obj_detection_rel", ObjDetection, shape, color, ratio, False) if response.status == CommandStatus.SUCCESS: return True, response.obj_pose, response.obj_type, response.obj_color elif response.status == CommandStatus.MARKERS_NOT_FOUND: rospy.logwarn_throttle(1, 'ROS Wrapper - Markers Not Found') elif response.status == CommandStatus.VIDEO_STREAM_NOT_RUNNING: rospy.logwarn_throttle(1, 'Video Stream not running') return False, None, "", ""
[docs] def get_camera_intrinsics(self): """ Gets calibration object: camera intrinsics, distortions coefficients :return: raw camera intrinsics, distortions coefficients :rtype: (list, list) """ camera_intrinsics = self.__camera_intrinsics_message_ntv.value return camera_intrinsics.K, camera_intrinsics.D
def get_debug_markers(self): from niryo_robot_vision.srv import DebugMarkers, DebugMarkersRequest result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_vision/debug_markers', DebugMarkers, DebugMarkersRequest()) return result def get_debug_colors(self, color): from niryo_robot_vision.srv import DebugColorDetection, DebugColorDetectionRequest req = DebugColorDetectionRequest(color=color) result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_vision/debug_colors', DebugColorDetection, req) return result # - Workspace
[docs] def save_workspace_from_poses(self, name, list_poses_raw): """ Saves workspace by giving the poses of the robot to point its 4 corners with the calibration Tip. Corners should be in the good order :param name: workspace name, max 30 char. :type name: str :param list_poses_raw: list of 4 corners pose :type list_poses_raw: list[list] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageWorkspace, ManageWorkspaceRequest list_poses = [self.list_to_robot_state_msg(*pose) for pose in list_poses_raw] req = ManageWorkspaceRequest() req.cmd = ManageWorkspaceRequest.SAVE if len(name) > 30: rospy.logwarn('ROS Wrapper - Workspace name is too long, using : %s instead', name[:30]) = name[:30] req.workspace.poses = list_poses result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_workspace', ManageWorkspace, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def save_workspace_from_points(self, name, list_points_raw): """ Saves workspace by giving the poses of its 4 corners in the good order :param name: workspace name, max 30 char. :type name: str :param list_points_raw: list of 4 corners [x, y, z] :type list_points_raw: list[list[float]] :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageWorkspace, ManageWorkspaceRequest list_points = [Point(*point) for point in list_points_raw] req = ManageWorkspaceRequest() req.cmd = ManageWorkspaceRequest.SAVE_WITH_POINTS if len(name) > 30: rospy.logwarn('ROS Wrapper - Workspace name is too long, using : %s instead', name[:30]) = name[:30] req.workspace.points = list_points result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_workspace', ManageWorkspace, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def delete_workspace(self, name): """ Calls workspace manager to delete a certain workspace :param name: workspace name :type name: str :return: status, message :rtype: (int, str) """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import ManageWorkspace, ManageWorkspaceRequest req = ManageWorkspaceRequest() req.cmd = ManageWorkspaceRequest.DELETE = name result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/manage_workspace', ManageWorkspace, req) return self._classic_return_w_check(result)
[docs] def get_workspace_poses(self, name): """ Gets the 4 workspace poses of the workspace called 'name' :param name: workspace name :type name: str :return: List of the 4 workspace poses :rtype: list[list] """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import GetWorkspaceRobotPoses result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_workspace_poses', GetWorkspaceRobotPoses, name) self._check_result_status(result) poses = result.poses list_p_raw = [] for p in poses: pose = [p.position.x, p.position.y, p.position.z, p.rpy.roll, p.rpy.pitch, p.rpy.yaw] list_p_raw.append(pose) return list_p_raw
[docs] def get_workspace_ratio(self, name): """ Gives the length over width ratio of a certain workspace :param name: workspace name :type name: str :return: ratio :rtype: float """ from niryo_robot_poses_handlers.srv import GetWorkspaceRatio result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_workspace_ratio', GetWorkspaceRatio, name) self._check_result_status(result) return result.ratio
[docs] def get_workspace_list(self, with_desc=False): """ Asks the workspace manager service names of the available workspace :return: list of workspaces name :rtype: list[str] """ result = self._call_service('/niryo_robot_poses_handlers/get_workspace_list', GetNameDescriptionList) if with_desc: return result.name_list, result.description_list return result.name_list
# - Software def get_software_version(self): """ Get the robot software version :return: rpi_image_version, ros_niryo_robot_version, motor_names, stepper_firmware_versions :rtype: (str, str, list[str], list[str]) """ value = self.__software_version_ntv.wait_for_message() return value @property def system_api_client(self): return self.__system_api_client # - Ned @property def database(self): return self.__database # - Ned 2 @property def led_ring(self): """ Manages the LED ring Example: :: from niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.ros_wrapper import * robot = NiryoRosWrapper() robot.led_ring.solid(color=[255, 255, 255]) :return: LedRingRosWrapper API instance :rtype: LedRingRosWrapper """ return self.__led_ring @property def sound(self): """ Manages sound Example: :: from niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.ros_wrapper import * robot = NiryoRosWrapper()[0]) :return: SoundRosWrapper API instance :rtype: SoundRosWrapper """ return self.__sound @property def custom_button(self): """ Manages the custom button Example: :: from niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.ros_wrapper import * robot = NiryoRosWrapper() print(robot.custom_button.state) :return: CustomButtonRosWrapper API instance :rtype: CustomButtonRosWrapper """ return self.__custom_button @property def robot_status(self): return self.__robot_status