Source code for niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper.custom_button_ros_wrapper

from threading import Lock, Event
import rospy

from ros_wrapper_enums import ButtonAction

from end_effector_interface.msg import EEButtonStatus

from niryo_robot_msgs.msg import CommandStatus

class CustomButtonRosWrapperException(Exception):

def check_ned2_version(func):
    Decorator that check the robot version

    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        robot_instance = args[0]
        if robot_instance.hardware_version != 'ned2':
            raise CustomButtonRosWrapperException(
                "Error Code : {}\nMessage : Wrong robot hardware version, feature only available on Ned2".format(

        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrap

[docs]class CustomButtonRosWrapper: def __init__(self, hardware_version='ned2'): self.__hardware_version = hardware_version self.__action_lock = Lock() self.__action_events = { ButtonAction.HANDLE_HELD_ACTION: Event(), ButtonAction.LONG_PUSH_ACTION: Event(), ButtonAction.SINGLE_PUSH_ACTION: Event(), ButtonAction.DOUBLE_PUSH_ACTION: Event(), ButtonAction.NO_ACTION: Event(), } self.__custom_button_state = EEButtonStatus.NO_ACTION self.__custom_button_topic = rospy.Subscriber( '/niryo_robot_hardware_interface/end_effector_interface/custom_button_status', EEButtonStatus, self.__callback_custom_pos_button_status) def __check_ned_2_version(self): if self.__hardware_version != 'ned2': raise CustomButtonRosWrapperException( "Error Code : {}\nMessage : Wrong robot hardware version, feature only available on Ned2".format( CommandStatus.BAD_HARDWARE_VERSION)) @property def hardware_version(self): return self.__hardware_version @property def state(self): """ Get the button state from the ButtonAction class :return: int value from the ButtonAction class :rtype: int """ self.__check_ned_2_version() return self.__custom_button_state
[docs] def is_pressed(self): """ Button press state :rtype: bool """ self.__check_ned_2_version() return self.__custom_button_state != EEButtonStatus.NO_ACTION
[docs] def wait_for_action(self, action, timeout=0): """ Waits until a specific action occurs and returns true. Returns false if the timeout is reached. :param action: int value from the ButtonAction class :type action: int :type timeout: float :return: True if the action has occurred, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ self.__check_ned_2_version() return self.__wait(action, timeout)
[docs] def wait_for_any_action(self, timeout=0): """ Returns the detected action. Returns ButtonAction.NO_ACTION if the timeout is reached without action. :type timeout: float :return: Returns the detected action, or ButtonAction.NO_ACTION if the timeout is reached without any action. :rtype: int """ self.__check_ned_2_version() return self.__wait_any(timeout)
[docs] def get_and_wait_press_duration(self, timeout=0): """ Waits for the button to be pressed and returns the press time. Returns 0 if no press is detected after the timeout duration. :type timeout: foat :rtype: float """ self.__check_ned_2_version() return self.__get_press_time(timeout)
def __clear(self): with self.__action_lock: for a_event in self.__action_events.values(): a_event.clear() def __set(self, action): self.__custom_button_state = action if action in self.__action_events: with self.__action_lock: self.__action_events[action].set() def __wait(self, action, timeout=0.0): if action not in self.__action_events: return False self.__action_events[action].clear() start_time = while not self.__action_events[action].is_set() and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.__action_events[action].wait(0.1) if self.__action_events[action].is_set(): return True elif 0 < timeout < ( - start_time).to_sec(): return False if self.__action_events[action].is_set(): return True return False def __wait_any(self, timeout=0.0): start_time = self.__clear() if not self.__wait(ButtonAction.HANDLE_HELD_ACTION, timeout=timeout): return ButtonAction.NO_ACTION while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if 0 < timeout < ( - start_time).to_sec(): break for action_name in self.__action_events: if action_name not in [ButtonAction.NO_ACTION, ButtonAction.HANDLE_HELD_ACTION] \ and self.__action_events[action_name].is_set(): return action_name rospy.sleep(0.1) return ButtonAction.HANDLE_HELD_ACTION def __get_press_time(self, timeout=0.0): if not self.__wait(ButtonAction.HANDLE_HELD_ACTION, timeout=timeout): return 0 pressed_time = if not self.__wait(ButtonAction.NO_ACTION): return 0 return ( - pressed_time).to_sec() def __callback_custom_pos_button_status(self, custom_button_status): self.__set(custom_button_status.action)