Modbus Examples

Examples of Modbus python lib can be found here Python Modbus examples. In the examples folder, you can find several example scripts that control Ned. These scripts are commented to help you understand every step.

Client Modbus Test

Calls several functions on the IO of Ned.

Client Move Command

This script shows the calibration and Ned’s moves.

Client Modbus Conveyor Example

This script shows how to activate the Conveyor Belt through the Modbus Python API, set a direction, a speed, and start and stop the device.

Client Modbus Vision Example

This script shows how to use the vision pick method from a Modbus Client, through the Modbus Python API. Ned picks a red object seen in its workspace and releases it on its left. Note that we use the string_to_register method to convert a string into an object storable in registers.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadBuilder, BinaryPayloadDecoder
import time
from enum import Enum, unique

# Enums for shape and color. Those enums are the one used by the modbus server to receive requests
class ColorEnum(Enum):
    ANY = -1
    BLUE = 1
    RED = 2
    GREEN = 3
    NONE = 0

class ShapeEnum(Enum):
    ANY = -1
    CIRCLE = 1
    SQUARE = 2
    TRIANGLE = 3
    NONE = 0

# Functions to convert variables for/from registers

# Positive number : 0 - 32767
# Negative number : 32768 - 65535
def number_to_raw_data(val):
    if val < 0:
        val = (1 << 15) - val
    return val

def raw_data_to_number(val):
    if (val >> 15) == 1:
        val = - (val & 0x7FFF)
    return val

def string_to_register(string):
    # code a string to 16 bits hex value to store in register
    builder = BinaryPayloadBuilder()
    payload = builder.to_registers()
    return payload

# ----------- Modbus server related function

def back_to_observation():
    # To change
    # joint_real = [0.057, 0.604, -0.576, -0.078, -1.384,0.253]
    joint_simu = [0, -0.092, 0, 0, -1.744, 0]

    joint_to_send = list(map(lambda j: int(number_to_raw_data(j * 1000)), joint_simu))
    client.write_registers(0, joint_to_send)
    client.write_register(100, 1)

    while client.read_holding_registers(150, count=1).registers[0] == 1:

def register_workspace_name(ws_name):
    workspace_request_register = string_to_register(ws_name)
    client.write_registers(626, workspace_request_register)

def register_height_offset(height_offset):
    client.write_registers(620, int(number_to_raw_data(height_offset * 1000)))

def auto_calibration():
    print "Calibrate Robot if needed ..."
    client.write_register(311, 1)
    # Wait for end of calibration
    while client.read_input_registers(402, 1).registers[0] == 1:

def get_current_tool_id():
    return client.read_input_registers(200, count=1).registers[0]

def open_tool():
    tool_id = get_current_tool_id()
    if tool_id == 31:
        client.write_register(513, 1)
        client.write_register(510, 1)
    while client.read_holding_registers(150, count=1).registers[0] == 1:

# Function to call Modbus Server vision pick function
def vision_pick(workspace_str, height_offset, shape_int, color_int):

    client.write_registers(624, number_to_raw_data(shape_int))
    client.write_registers(625, number_to_raw_data(color_int))

    # launch vision pick function
    client.write_registers(612, 1)

    # Wait for end of function
    while client.read_holding_registers(150, count=1).registers[0] == 1:

    # - Check result : SHAPE AND COLOR
    result_shape_int = raw_data_to_number(client.read_holding_registers(159).registers[0])
    result_color_int = raw_data_to_number(client.read_holding_registers(160).registers[0])

    return result_shape_int, result_color_int

# ----------- Main programm

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "--- START"

    client = ModbusTcpClient('localhost', port=5020)

    # -------- Variable definition
    # To change
    workspace_name = 'gazebo_1'
    height_offset = 0.0

    # connect to modbus server
    print "Connected to modbus server"

    # launch auto calibration then go to obs. pose

    # update tool
    client.write_registers(500, 1)

    print 'VISION PICK - pick a red pawn, lift it and release it'
    shape = ShapeEnum.ANY.value
    color = ColorEnum.RED.value
    shape_picked, color_picked = vision_pick(workspace_name, height_offset, shape, color)

    # ---- Go to release pose
    joints = [0.866, -0.24, -0.511, 0.249, -0.568, -0.016]
    joints_to_send = list(map(lambda j: int(number_to_raw_data(j * 1000)), joints))

    client.write_registers(0, joints_to_send)
    client.write_register(100, 1)

    # Wait for end of Move command
    while client.read_holding_registers(150, count=1).registers[0] == 1:



    # Activate learning mode and close connexion
    client.write_register(300, 1)
    print "Close connection to modbus server"
    print "--- END"