Niryo_robot_bringup ============================== This packages provides config and launch files to start Ned and ROS packages with various parameters. Launch files are placed in the *launch* folder. Only files with **.launch** extension can be executed. .. figure:: ../../../images/stack/high_level/bringup_organization.png :alt: Bringup organization :height: 300px :align: center Bring Up Launch Files' organization On RaspberryPI ------------------------- One ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | The file **niryo_one_robot.launch** allows to launch ROS on a Raspberry Pi 3. | This file is automatically launched when Niryo One boots (Niryo One RPi3B image). Command to launch Niryo One's ROS Stack:: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup niryo_none_robot.launch Ned ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | The file **niryo_ned_robot.launch** allows to launch ROS on a Raspberry Pi 4. | This file is automatically launched when Ned boots (Ned RPi4B image). Command to launch Ned's ROS Stack:: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup niryo_ned_robot.launch Ned2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | The file **niryo_ned2_robot.launch** allows to launch ROS on a Raspberry Pi 4. | This file is automatically launched when Ned2 boots (Ned2 RPi4B image). Command to launch Ned2's ROS Stack:: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup niryo_ned2_robot.launch On Desktop (Simulation) ------------------------- As the simulation happens on a computer, the hardware-related stuff is not used. For both of following launch files, you can set: - *gui* to "false" in order to disable graphical interface. Gazebo simulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run Gazebo simulation. The robot can do everything that is not hardware-related: - move, get_pose. - use the camera (to disable it, set "camera" parameter to 'false'). - use the Gripper 1 (to disable it, set "simu_gripper" parameter to 'false'). - save/run programs, go to saved pose, ... Command to launch the simulation: :: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup desktop_gazebo_simulation.launch To disable camera & gripper: :: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup desktop_gazebo_simulation.launch gripper_n_camera:=false To run it with a specific hardware version, use the command: :: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup desktop_gazebo_simulation.launch hardware_version:=ned # one, ned2 Rviz simulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run Rviz simulation. You can access same features as Gazebo except Camera & Gripper. To run it, use the command: :: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup desktop_rviz_simulation.launch To run it with a specific hardware version, use the command: :: roslaunch niryo_robot_bringup desktop_rviz_simulation.launch hardware_version:=ned # one, ned2 Notes - Ned Bringup ------------------------------ *niryo_robot_base* files setup many rosparams, these files should be launched before any other package. The following files are used to configure the robot logs: * *desktop_gazebo_simulation_trace.conf* * *desktop_rviz_simulation_trace.conf* * *niryo_robot_trace.conf*