
This package handles packages related to the robot’s hardware.
It launches hardware interface nodes, motors communication and driver.
hardware packages organization

Global overview of hardware stack packages organization.

Hardware interface node

The ROS Node is made to launch hardware interface and communication:
  • Conveyor Belt interface
  • Joints interface
  • Tools interface
  • Fake interface
  • Dynamixel driver
  • Stepper driver

The namespace used is: /niryo_robot_hardware_interface/.

Parameters - hardware interface

Hardware Interface’s Parameters
Name Description
Publishes rate for hardware status.
Default : ‘2.0’
Publishes rate for software status.
Default : ‘2.0’

Published topics - hardware interface

Hardware Interface’s Published Topics
Name Message Type Description
hardware_status niryo_robot_msgs/HardwareStatus Motors, bus, joints and CPU status
software_version niryo_robot_msgs/SoftwareVersion Raspberry and stepper software version

Services - hardware interface

Hardware Interface Package Services
Name Message Type Description
launch_motors_report Trigger Starts motors report
reboot_motors Trigger Reboots motors
stop_motors_report Trigger Stops motors report