Before running your programs ==================================================== The variable PYTHONPATH --------------------------------- The Python interpreter needs to have all used packages in the environment variable **PYTHONPATH**, to do that, you need to have sourced your ROS environment: - If you are coding directly on your robot, it is made directly in every terminal. - If your are using simulation, be sure to have followed the setup from :ref:`source/simulation:Setup Ned ROS Environment`. Required piece of code ------------------------------- To run, your program will need some imports & initialization. We give you below the piece of code you must use to make Python ROS Wrapper work: :: #!/usr/bin/env python # Imports from niryo_robot_python_ros_wrapper import * import rospy # Initializing ROS node rospy.init_node('niryo_ned_example_python_ros_wrapper') niryo_robot = NiryoRosWrapper() # -- YOUR CODE HERE -- # You have now everything you need to control the robot through its Python ROS Wrapper. To run a script, simply use the command ``python``.