Niryo_robot_tools ======================================== Provides functionalities to control end-effectors and accessories for Ned. Tools node -------------------------- The ROS Node is made of services to equip tool, an action server for tool command and topics for the current tool or the tool state. The namespace used is: |namespace_emphasize| Action server - tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Tools Package Action Server :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``robot_action`` - :ref:`ToolAction` - Command the tool through an action server Publisher - tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Tools Package Publishers :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``current_id`` - :std_msgs:`Int32` - Publish the current tool ID Services - tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: Tools Package Services :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :stub-columns: 0 :align: center * - Name - Message Type - Description * - ``update_tool`` - :ref:`source/ros/niryo_robot_msgs:Trigger` - Ping/scan for a dxl motor flashed with an ID corresponding to a tool and equip it (if found) * - ``equip_electromagnet`` - :ref:`source/ros/niryo_robot_msgs:SetInt` - Equip the electromagnet with the motor ID given as parameter Dependencies - tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :doc:`niryo_robot_msgs` * :msgs_index:`std_msgs` Action, services & messages files - tools ------------------------------------------------------ ToolAction (Action) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../niryo_robot_tools/action/Tool.action :language: rostype ToolCommand (Message) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../../niryo_robot_tools/msg/ToolCommand.msg :language: rostype .. |namespace| replace:: /niryo_robot_tools/ .. |namespace_emphasize| replace:: ``/niryo_robot_tools/`` .. |package_path| replace:: ../../../niryo_robot_tools