Trajectories ===================================== This file presents the different :ref:`source/api_doc/trajectories:Trajectories - Command functions` available with the Trajectories API Trajectories - Command functions ------------------------------------ .. automodule:: pyniryo2.trajectories.trajectories :members: :noindex: This section reference all existing functions to control your robot, which include - Playing smoothed waypointed trajectories - Managing saved trajectories All functions to control the robot are accessible via an instance of the class :ref:`source/api_doc/niryo_robot:NiryoRobot` :: robot = NiryoRobot() trajectories = robot.trajectories.get_saved_trajectory_list() if len(trajectories) > 0: robot.trajectories.execute_trajectory_saved(trajectories[0]) ... See examples on :ref:`Examples Section ` List of functions subsections: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Trajectories functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: Trajectories :members: :member-order: bysource