Overview & examples ===================================== This file illustrates few image processing pipeline using vision module from niryo_edu package. This module is based in `OpenCV `_ and its functions are detailed in :doc:`Functions documentation `. | The package niryo_edu comes up with the **vision** module which contains image processing functions including thresholding, blob detection, ... | To use it, add to your imports ``from pyniryo.vision import *``. .. note:: It is also possible to merge both import lines by using ``from pyniryo import *``. Play with Robot video stream ------------------------------------- We are firstly going to take a look at robot's functions which can be find at :ref:`API - Vision` Get & display image from stream ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ned can share its video stream through TCP. As sending raw images will lead to heavy packets which can saturate the network, it sends compressed images. You access it through the robot's function: :meth:`~.api.tcp_client.NiryoRobot.get_img_compressed`. Once your image is received, you firstly need to uncompress via :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.uncompress_image` and you can then display it with :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.show_img_and_wait_close`. :: from pyniryo import * # Connecting to robot robot = NiryoRobot("") # Getting image img_compressed = robot.get_img_compressed() # Uncompressing image img = uncompress_image(img_compressed) # Displaying show_img_and_wait_close("img_stream", img) .. note:: :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.show_img_and_wait_close` will wait for the user to press either *Q* or *Esc* key, before closing the window. Undistort and display video stream ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In this section, we are going to display the raw video stream & the undistorted video stream. As Ned's camera is passing raw images to the robot, these images are distorted due to the camera lens. In order to undistort them, we need to use Ned's camera intrinsics. To undistort the raw image, we use :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.undistort_image` which needs to be called with the parameters given by Ned through :meth:`~.api.tcp_client.NiryoRobot.get_camera_intrinsics`. Once, we have both raw & undistorted images, we can concatenate them in order to display them in once with :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.concat_imgs`. Finally, we display the image :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.show_img`. :: from pyniryo import * observation_pose = PoseObject( x=0.18, y=0.0, z=0.35, roll=0.0, pitch=1.57, yaw=-0.2, ) # Connecting to robot robot = NiryoRobot("") robot.calibrate_auto() # Getting calibration param mtx, dist = robot.get_camera_intrinsics() # Moving to observation pose robot.move_pose(observation_pose) while "User do not press Escape neither Q": # Getting image img_compressed = robot.get_img_compressed() # Uncompressing image img_raw = uncompress_image(img_compressed) # Undistorting img_undistort = undistort_image(img_raw, mtx, dist) # - Display # Concatenating raw image and undistorted image concat_ims = concat_imgs((img_raw, img_undistort)) # Showing images key = show_img("Images raw & undistorted", concat_ims, wait_ms=30) if key in [27, ord("q")]: # Will break loop if the user press Escape or Q break .. note:: To see more about camera distortion/undistortion, go on `OpenCV Documentation about Camera Calibration `_. Pure image processing functions ------------------------------------- In order to illustrate functions, we are going to use the following image. .. figure:: images/img_illustration.jpg :alt: Image illustration :width: 600px :align: center .. attention:: In this section it is supposed that: * You have imported ``pyniryo.vision`` * The variable ``img`` is containing the image on which image processing is applied Color thresholding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Color thresholding is very useful in order to detect object with an uniform color. The implemented function to realize this operation is :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.threshold_hsv`. The following code is using parameters from :class:`~.vision.enums.ColorHSV` enum in order to threshold Red features & *hand made* parameters to extract Blue: :: img_threshold_red = threshold_hsv(img_test, *ColorHSV.RED.value) blue_min_hsv = [90, 85, 70] blue_max_hsv = [125, 255, 255] img_threshold_blue = threshold_hsv(img_test, list_min_hsv=blue_min_hsv, list_max_hsv=blue_max_hsv, reverse_hue=False) show_img("img_threshold_red", img_threshold_red) show_img_and_wait_close("img_threshold_blue", img_threshold_blue) .. list-table:: Images result :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :align: center * - Thresh color - Image result * - Blue - .. image:: images/img_threshold_blue.jpg :alt: Image Threshold Blue * - Red - .. image:: images/img_threshold_red.jpg :alt: Image Threshold Red Morphological transformations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Morphological transformations are some simple operations based on the image shape. It is normally performed on binary images. It needs two inputs, one is our original image, second one is called structuring element or kernel which decides the nature of operation. Two basic morphological operators are `Erosion `_ and `Dilation `_. Then its variant forms like `Opening `_, `Closing `_ also comes into play. Learn more on `Wikipedia page `_. The implemented function to realize these operations is :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.morphological_transformations`. It uses :class:`~.vision.enums.MorphoType` and :class:`~.vision.enums.KernelType` to determine which operation should be applied on the image. The code shows how to do a Closing & an Erosion: :: img_threshold = threshold_hsv(img_test, *ColorHSV.ANY.value) img_close = morphological_transformations(img_threshold, morpho_type=MorphoType.CLOSE, kernel_shape=(11, 11), kernel_type=KernelType.ELLIPSE) img_erode = morphological_transformations(img_threshold, morpho_type=MorphoType.ERODE, kernel_shape=(9, 9), kernel_type=KernelType.RECT) show_img("img_threshold", img_threshold) show_img("img_erode", img_erode) show_img_and_wait_close("img_close", img_close) .. list-table:: Images result :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto :align: center * - Morpho type - Image result * - None - .. image:: images/img_threshold_any.jpg :alt: Image Threshold Any * - Erode - .. image:: images/img_threshold_erode.jpg :alt: Image Erode * - Close - .. image:: images/img_threshold_close.jpg :alt: Image Close Contours finder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contours can be explained simply as a curve joining all the continuous points (along the boundary), having same color or intensity. The contours are a useful tool for shape analysis and object detection and recognition. See more on `OpenCV Documentation `_. The implemented function to realize these operations is :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.biggest_contours_finder` which takes a Black & White image, and extracts the biggest (in term of area) contours from it. The code to extract and draw the 3 biggest contours from an image is the following: :: img_threshold = threshold_hsv(img_test, *ColorHSV.ANY.value) img_threshold = morphological_transformations(img_threshold, morpho_type=MorphoType.OPEN, kernel_shape=(11, 11), kernel_type=KernelType.ELLIPSE) cnts = biggest_contours_finder(img_threshold, 3) img_contours = draw_contours(img_threshold, cnts) show_img("init", img_threshold) show_img_and_wait_close("img with contours", img_contours) .. list-table:: Images result :widths: auto :align: center * - Thresh + Opening - .. image:: images/img_threshold_any_open.jpg :alt: Image Threshold Any & Open * - 3 contours - .. image:: images/img_threshold_any_open_3_cnt.jpg :alt: 3 contours Find object center position ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to catch an object, we need to find a pose from where the end effector can grasp the object. The following method uses contours which have been found in the previous section and finds their barycenter and orientation via the functions :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.get_contour_barycenter` & :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.get_contour_angle`. :: img_threshold = threshold_hsv(img_test, *ColorHSV.ANY.value) img_threshold = morphological_transformations(img_threshold, morpho_type=MorphoType.OPEN, kernel_shape=(11, 11), kernel_type=KernelType.ELLIPSE) cnt = biggest_contour_finder(img_threshold) cnt_barycenter = get_contour_barycenter(cnt) cx, cy = cnt_barycenter cnt_angle = get_contour_angle(cnt) img_debug = draw_contours(img_threshold, [cnt]) img_debug = draw_barycenter(img_debug, cx, cy) img_debug = draw_angle(img_debug, cx, cy, cnt_angle) show_img("Image with contours, barycenter and angle", img_debug, wait_ms=30) .. list-table:: Images result :widths: auto :align: center * - Thresh + Opening - .. image:: images/img_threshold_any_open.jpg :alt: Image Threshold Any & Open * - Barycenter + Angle - .. image:: images/cnt_with_angle.jpg :alt: Barycenter + Angle .. note:: The drawn vector is normal to the contour's length because we want Ned to catch the object by the width rather than the length. Indeed, it leads to least cases where the gripper cannot open enough. Markers extraction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As image processing happens in a workspace, it is important to extract the workspace beforehand! To do so, you can use the function :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.extract_img_workspace`. :: status, im_work = extract_img_workspace(img, workspace_ratio=1.0) show_img("init", img_test) show_img_and_wait_close("img_workspace", img_workspace) .. list-table:: Images result :widths: auto :align: center * - Original - .. image:: images/img_illustration.jpg :alt: Original Image * - Extracted - .. image:: images/workspace_extracted.jpg :alt: Extracted Image :height: 300px Debug mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If Ned's functions are failing, you can use Debug functions which are :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.debug_threshold_color` & :meth:`~.vision.image_functions.debug_markers` in order to display what the robot sees. You can use the functions as follow: :: debug_color = debug_threshold_color(img_test, ColorHSV.RED) _status, debug_markers_im = debug_markers(img_test, workspace_ratio=1.0) show_img("init", img_test) show_img("debug_color", debug_color) show_img_and_wait_close("debug_markers", debug_markers_im) .. list-table:: Images result :widths: auto :align: center * - Original - .. image:: images/img_illustration.jpg :alt: Original Image * - Debug red - .. image:: images/debug_red.jpg :alt: Debug Red Image :height: 300px * - Debug Markers - .. image:: images/debug_markers.jpg :alt: Debug Markers Image :height: 300px Do your own image processing! -------------------------------------- Now that you are a master in image processing, let's look at full examples. Display video stream with extracted workspace ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the current state, the following code will display the video stream and the extracted workspace image. You can add your own image processing functions maybe to apply additional process. :: from pyniryo import * # Connecting to robot robot = NiryoRobot("") robot.calibrate_auto() # Getting calibration param mtx, dist = robot.get_camera_intrinsics() # Moving to observation pose robot.move_pose(*observation_pose.to_list()) while "User do not press Escape neither Q": # Getting image img_compressed = robot.get_img_compressed() # Uncompressing image img_raw = uncompress_image(img_compressed) # Undistorting img_undistort = undistort_image(img_raw, mtx, dist) # Trying to find markers workspace_found, res_img_markers = debug_markers(img_undistort) # Trying to extract workspace if possible if workspace_found: img_workspace = extract_img_workspace(img_undistort, workspace_ratio=1.0) else: img_workspace = None # --- --------- --- # # --- YOUR CODE --- # # --- --------- --- # # - Display # Concatenating raw image and undistorted image concat_ims = concat_imgs((img_raw, img_undistort)) # Concatenating extracted workspace with markers annotation if img_workspace is not None: resized_img_workspace = resize_img(img_workspace, height=res_img_markers.shape[0]) res_img_markers = concat_imgs((res_img_markers, resized_img_workspace)) # Showing images show_img("Images raw & undistorted", concat_ims) key = show_img("Markers", res_img_markers, wait_ms=30) if key in [27, ord("q")]: # Will break loop if the user press Escape or Q break Vision pick via your image processing pipeline ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You may want to send coordinate to Ned in order to pick the object of your choice! To do that, use the function :meth:`~.api.tcp_client.NiryoRobot.get_target_pose_from_rel` which converts a relative pose in the workspace into a pose in the robot's world! :: from pyniryo import * # -- MUST Change these variables simulation_mode = True if simulation_mode: robot_ip_address, workspace_name = "", "gazebo_1" else: robot_ip_address, workspace_name = "", "workspace_1" # -- Can Change these variables grid_dimension = (3, 3) # conditioning grid dimension vision_process_on_robot = False # boolean to indicate if the image processing append on the Robot display_stream = True # Only used if vision on computer # -- Should Change these variables # The pose from where the image processing happens observation_pose = PoseObject( x=0.17, y=0., z=0.35, roll=0.0, pitch=1.57, yaw=0.0, ) # Center of the conditioning area center_conditioning_pose = PoseObject( x=0.0, y=-0.25, z=0.12, roll=-0., pitch=1.57, yaw=-1.57 ) # -- MAIN PROGRAM def process(niryo_robot): """ :type niryo_robot: NiryoRobot :rtype: None """ # Initializing variables obj_pose = None try_without_success = 0 count = 0 if not vision_process_on_robot: mtx, dist = niryo_robot.get_camera_intrinsics() else: mtx = dist = None # Loop while try_without_success < 5: # Moving to observation pose niryo_robot.move_pose(observation_pose) if vision_process_on_robot: ret = niryo_robot.get_target_pose_from_cam(workspace_name, height_offset=0.0, shape=ObjectShape.ANY, color=ObjectColor.ANY) obj_found, obj_pose, shape, color = ret else: # Home made image processing img_compressed = niryo_robot.get_img_compressed() img = uncompress_image(img_compressed) img = undistort_image(img, mtx, dist) # extracting working area im_work = extract_img_workspace(img, workspace_ratio=1.0) if im_work is None: print("Unable to find markers") try_without_success += 1 if display_stream: cv2.imshow("Last image saw", img) cv2.waitKey(25) continue # Applying Threshold on ObjectColor color_hsv_setting = ColorHSV.ANY.value img_thresh = threshold_hsv(im_work, *color_hsv_setting) if display_stream: show_img("Last image saw", img, wait_ms=100) show_img("Image thresh", img_thresh, wait_ms=100) # Getting biggest contour/blob from threshold image contour = biggest_contour_finder(img_thresh) if contour is None or len(contour) == 0: print("No blob found") obj_found = False else: img_thresh_rgb_w_contour = draw_contours(img_thresh, [contour]) # Getting contour/blob center and angle cx, cy = get_contour_barycenter(contour) img_thresh_rgb_w_contour = draw_barycenter(img_thresh_rgb_w_contour, cx, cy) cx_rel, cy_rel = relative_pos_from_pixels(im_work, cx, cy) angle = get_contour_angle(contour) img_thresh_rgb_w_contour = draw_angle(img_thresh_rgb_w_contour, cx, cy, angle) show_img("Image thresh", img_thresh_rgb_w_contour, wait_ms=30) # Getting object world pose from relative pose obj_pose = niryo_robot.get_target_pose_from_rel(workspace_name, height_offset=0.0, x_rel=cx_rel, y_rel=cy_rel, yaw_rel=angle) obj_found = True if not obj_found: try_without_success += 1 continue # Everything is good, so we going to object niryo_robot.pick_from_pose(obj_pose) # Computing new place pose offset_x = count % grid_dimension[0] - grid_dimension[0] // 2 offset_y = (count // grid_dimension[1]) % 3 - grid_dimension[1] // 2 offset_z = count // (grid_dimension[0] * grid_dimension[1]) place_pose = center_conditioning_pose.copy_with_offsets(0.05 * offset_x, 0.05 * offset_y, 0.025 * offset_z) # Placing niryo_robot.place_from_pose(place_pose) try_without_success = 0 count += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to robot robot = NiryoRobot(robot_ip_address) # Changing tool robot.update_tool() # Calibrate robot if robot needs calibration robot.calibrate_auto() # Launching main process process(robot) # Ending robot.go_to_sleep() # Releasing connection robot.close_connection()