Source code for api.objects

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

[docs]class PoseObject: """ Pose object which stores x, y, z, roll, pitch & yaw parameters """ def __init__(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw): # X (meter) self.x = float(x) # Y (meter) self.y = float(y) # Z (meter) self.z = float(z) # Roll (radian) self.roll = float(roll) # Pitch (radian) self.pitch = float(pitch) # Yaw (radian) self.yaw = float(yaw) def __str__(self): position = "x = {:.4f}, y = {:.4f}, z = {:.4f}".format(self.x, self.y, self.z) orientation = "roll = {:.3f}, pitch = {:.3f}, yaw = {:.3f}".format(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw) return position + "\n" + orientation def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def copy_with_offsets(self, x_offset=0., y_offset=0., z_offset=0., roll_offset=0., pitch_offset=0., yaw_offset=0.): """ Create a new pose from copying from copying actual pose with offsets :rtype: PoseObject """ return PoseObject(self.x + x_offset, self.y + y_offset, self.z + z_offset, self.roll + roll_offset, self.pitch + pitch_offset, self.yaw + yaw_offset)
[docs] def to_list(self): """ Return a list [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw] corresponding to the pose's parameters :rtype: list[float] """ list_pos = [self.x, self.y, self.z, self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw] return list(map(float, list_pos))
[docs]class HardwareStatusObject: """ Object used to store every hardware information """ def __init__(self, rpi_temperature, hardware_version, connection_up, error_message, calibration_needed, calibration_in_progress, motor_names, motor_types, motors_temperature, motors_voltage, hardware_errors): # Number representing the rpi temperature self.rpi_temperature = rpi_temperature # Number representing the hardware version self.hardware_version = hardware_version # Boolean indicating if the connection with the robot is up self.connection_up = connection_up # Error message status on error self.error_message = error_message # Boolean indicating if a calibration is needed self.calibration_needed = calibration_needed # Boolean indicating if calibration is in progress self.calibration_in_progress = calibration_in_progress # Following list describe each motor # Row 0 for first motor, row 1 for second motor, row 2 for third motor, row 3 for fourth motor # List of motor names self.motor_names = motor_names # List of motor types self.motor_types = motor_types # List of motors_temperature self.motors_temperature = motors_temperature # List of motors_voltage self.motors_voltage = motors_voltage # List of hardware errors self.hardware_errors = hardware_errors def __str__(self): list_string_ret = list() list_string_ret.append("Temp (°C) : {}".format(self.rpi_temperature)) list_string_ret.append("Hardware version : {}".format(self.hardware_version)) list_string_ret.append("Connection Up : {}".format(self.connection_up)) list_string_ret.append("Error Message : {}".format(self.error_message)) list_string_ret.append("Calibration Needed : {}".format(self.calibration_needed)) list_string_ret.append("Calibration in progress : {}".format(self.calibration_in_progress)) list_string_ret.append("MOTORS INFOS : Motor1, Motor2, Motor3, Motor4, Motor5, Motor6,") list_string_ret.append("Names : {}".format(self.motor_names)) list_string_ret.append("Types : {}".format(self.motor_types)) list_string_ret.append("Temperatures : {}".format(self.motors_temperature)) list_string_ret.append("Voltages : {}".format(self.motors_voltage)) list_string_ret.append("Hardware errors : {}".format(self.hardware_errors)) return "\n".join(list_string_ret) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class DigitalPinObject: """ Object used to store information on digital pins """ def __init__(self, pin_id, name, mode, state): # Pin ID self.pin_id = pin_id # Name = name # Input or output self.mode = mode # High or Low self.state = state def __str__(self): string_ret = "Pin : {}".format(self.pin_id) string_ret += ", Name : {}".format( string_ret += ", Mode : {}".format(self.mode) string_ret += ", State : {}".format(self.state) return string_ret def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class AnalogPinObject: """ Object used to store information on digital pins """ def __init__(self, pin_id, name, mode, value): # Pin ID self.pin_id = pin_id # Name = name # Input or output self.mode = mode # Tension self.value = value def __str__(self): string_ret = "Pin : {}".format(self.pin_id) string_ret += ", Name : {}".format( string_ret += ", Mode : {}".format(self.mode) string_ret += ", State : {}".format(self.value) return string_ret def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()