Examples: Conveyor Belt

This document shows how to use Ned’s Conveyor Belt.

If you want to see more about Ned’s Conveyor Belt functions, you can look at PyNiryo - Conveyor


If you are using the real robot, make sure the environment around it is clear.

Simple Conveyor control

This short example shows how to connect a conveyor and launch its motor (control it by setting its speed and direction):

from pyniryo import *

# Connecting to robot
robot = NiryoRobot(<robot_ip_address>)

# Activating connexion with Conveyor Belt
conveyor_id = robot.set_conveyor()

# Running the Conveyor Belt at 50% of its maximum speed, in forward direction
robot.run_conveyor(conveyor_id, speed=50, direction=ConveyorDirection.FORWARD)

# Waiting 3 seconds

# Stopping robot's motor

# Deactivating connexion with the Conveyor Belt

Advanced Conveyor Belt control

This example shows how to do a certain amount of pick & place by using the Conveyor Belt with the infrared sensor:

from pyniryo import *

# -- Setting variables
sensor_pin_id = PinID.GPIO_1A

catch_nb = 5

# The pick pose
pick_pose = PoseObject(
    x=0.25, y=0., z=0.15,
    roll=-0., pitch=1.57, yaw=0.0,
# The Place pose
place_pose = PoseObject(
    x=0., y=-0.25, z=0.1,
    roll=0., pitch=1.57, yaw=-1.57)


# Connecting to the robot
robot = NiryoRobot(<robot_ip_address>)

# Activating connexion with the Conveyor Belt
conveyor_id = robot.set_conveyor()

for i in range(catch_nb):
    while robot.digital_read(sensor_pin_id) == PinState.LOW:

    # Stopping robot's motor
    # Making a pick & place
    robot.pick_and_place(pick_pose, place_pose)

# Deactivating connexion with the Conveyor Belt