Functions documentation ===================================== This file presents the different functions and :ref:`source/vision/image_processing_api:Enums Image Processing` available for image processing These functions are divided in subsections: * :ref:`source/vision/image_processing_api:Pure Image Processing` are used to deal with the thresholding, contours detection, .. * :ref:`source/vision/image_processing_api:Workspaces wise` section contains functions to extract workspace and deal with the relative position in the workspace * The section :ref:`source/vision/image_processing_api:Show` allows to display images * :ref:`source/vision/image_processing_api:Image Editing` contains lot of function which can compress images, add text to image, ... Pure image processing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: vision.image_functions :members: threshold_hsv, debug_threshold_color, morphological_transformations, get_contour_barycenter, get_contour_angle, biggest_contour_finder, biggest_contours_finder, draw_contours :noindex: Workspaces wise ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: vision.image_functions :members: extract_img_workspace, debug_markers, relative_pos_from_pixels :noindex: Show ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: vision.image_functions :members: show_img_and_check_close, show_img, show_img_and_wait_close :noindex: Image Editing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: vision.image_functions :members: compress_image, uncompress_image, add_annotation_to_image, undistort_image, resize_img, concat_imgs :noindex: Enums Image Processing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enums are used to pass specific parameters to functions. List of enums: * :class:`` * :class:`` * :class:`` * :class:`` * :class:`` .. automodule:: vision.enums :members: :undoc-members: :member-order: bysource